Phuong Anh | Chat Online
29/12/2019 09:24:40

Viết lại câu:

Viết lại câu:
1.Couldn't you have got a bus to the station.
2.In a few countries the whole of the population only enjoy reasonable standard of living.
3.I'm sorry.I couldn't help him.
->I wish
4Since she was not certain of the way,she asked a policeman.
5.She wanted to know if he had studied French.
->She asked him
6.The children will go swimming if it's sunny.
7.''Bring your swimming things in case it's sunny''
->He told
8.I haven't been to Bristol for three years.
->The last time
9.Tim will be eighteen next week.
->It's Tim's
10.You can leave only when I tell you.

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