nguyen miu | Chat Online
22/02/2020 19:35:13

Put the verb into the correct tense

Put the verb into the correct tense
1>If we at meet at 9.00 ,we(have)                                     plenty of time.
2>If you pass your examination,we(have)                         a celebration.
3>Lisa would find the milk if she(look)                               for it in the fridge.
4>What(happen)                               if I press this button.
5>The door will be unlocked if you(press)                         the green button.
6>If you go to Pari this weekend,where(you/stay)                                       ?
7>The filght may be cancelled if the fog(get)                     thick?
8>I(call)                             the office if I were you.
9>I would repair the roof myself if I (have)                        a long ladder.
10>You would here my explanation if you(not talk)                   so much.
11>Someone(sit)                                      on your grasses if you leave them here.
12>If the milkman(come)                          ,tell him to leave them there.
13>What ((I/do)                                         if I hear the burglar a larm?                                

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