Nguyễn Long | Chat Online
25/02/2020 19:18:16

Choose the word that has different stress from the others

I. Odd one out

1. A. talked                    B. fitted                      C. needed                      D. visited

2. A. houses                   B. misses                     C. glasses                      D. mixes

3. A. stamp                   B. sew                        C. opposite                   D. bookstore

4. A. milk                      B. library                    C. dinner                      D. polish

5. A. chicken                 B. coach                      C. orchestra                  D. change

II. Choose the word that has different stress from the others


A. adorable

B. ability

C. impossible

D. entertainment



A. engineer

B. corporate

C. difficult

D. different



A. popular

B. position

C. horrible

D. positive



A. selfish

B. correct

C. purpose

D. surface



A. permission

B. computer

C. million

D. perfection



A. scholarship

B. negative

C. develop

D. purposeful



A. ability

B. acceptable

C. education

D. hilarious



A. document

B. comedian

C. perspective

D. location



A. provide

B. product

C. promote

D. profess



A. different

B. regular

C. achieving

D. property

III. Choose the correct answer:

1. When I was a boy, I ................... tea to coffee.

  A. prefer                    B. preferred                 C. prefers                    D. preferring

2. He was only thirteen, but he ate ........................ his father did.

  A. as much as            B. more that                C. much than               D. as much than

3. Every girl ought to learn ................... to cook.

  A. what                     B. when                       C. how                         D. where

4. John enjoys ……………… tennis.

  A. playing                 B. play                         C. played                     D. to play

5. ……………… coffee without milk is yours?

  A. The                       B. An                          C. A                            D. Ø

6. Video games can be ....................

  A. addictive              B. wonderful               C. interesting               D. beautiful

7. Could you show me the way . . . . . . . …the railway station please?

  A. near to                  B. at                            C. next                         D. to

8. “Was the competition a success?” -  “Yes, ............ people took part in it than usual”.

  A. more                     B. fewer                      C. less                          D. many

9. The meat of a pig is .................................

  A. beef                      B. pork                                    C. chicken                   D. lamb

10. Some scientists spend most of their lives rocks.

  A. look                      B. looking                   C. looked                    D. to look

giúp mình nha mọi người ,mình cần gấp 

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