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28/02/2020 11:25:21

Read the passage and then decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F)

VIII. Read the passage and then decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F)

The Kiwi
The kiwi lives only in New Zealand. It is a very strange bird because it cannot fly. The kiwi is the same size as a chicken. It has no wings or tail. It does not have any feathers like other birds. 
A kiwi likes a lot of trees around it. It sleeps during the day because the sunlight hurts its eyes. It can smell things with its nose. It is the only bird in the world that can smell things. The kiwi's eggs are very big.
There are only a few kiwis in New Zealand now. New Zealanders want their kiwis to live. There is a picture of a kiwi on New Zealand money. People from New Zealand are sometimes call kiwis.
        T    F
1.    Kiwis live in Australia and New Zealand.    

2.    A kiwi has a tail but no wings.    

3.    It sleeps during the day because light hurts its eyes.    

4.    People in New Zealand do not want on the kiwis to die.    

5.    The kiwi is a strange New Zealand bird.    


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