Agatsuma Zentisu | Chat Online
29/02/2020 15:06:47

Read the text then answer the questions

B. Read the text then answer the questions. There is one example.
I and my friends are playing in the park after school. Tom and Kris are playing badminton. They
are good at it. Elena and Messi are dancing. They like dancing. Karik can’t dance. He is running
around the park. Marry and Alex are playing tennis but they aren’t good at it. I’ve got a new
camera and I’m taking some photos of my friends. My mother is waiting for me. She’s sitting on
the chair under the tree.
Answer the questions
Ex: 0.What are the children doing? → They are playing in the park.
1. What are Tom and Kris doing? → ______________________________.
2. What does Elena and Messi like? → ____________________________.
3. Can Karik dance? → __________________________________.
4. Is Marry good at playing tennis? → ____________________________.
5. What is the writer doing? → _________________________________.
6. Where is writer’s mum sitting? → _____________________________.

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