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03/03/2020 17:34:20

Dựa vào những từ cho sẵn, hãy viết câu khẳng định (+), phủ định (-) và nghi vấn (?) ở thì tương lai tiếp diễn

Bài 1. Dựa vào những từ cho sẵn, hãy viết câu khẳng định (+), phủ định (-) và nghi vấn (?) ở thì tương lai tiếp diễn
1. Jim/ study/ Math/ at 8a.m. tomorrow.
2. My father/ work/ at this time tomorrow.
3. Ann/ play/ badminton/ with her friends/ at 4 p.m. tomorrow.
4. We/ enjoy/ our party/ at this time next month.
5. Jane/ sunbathe/ at this time tomorrow.
6. They/ travel/ to Africa/ at this time next year.
7. My friend/ lie/ on the beach/ at this time next month.
8. Tom/have/ breakfast/ at 6 o’clock tomorrow.
Bài 2. Chia động từ trong ngoặc ở thì tương lai tiếp diễn
1. I (learn)………………….English at this time tomorrow.
2. My mother (go)……………………to France at this time next month.
3. They (sell)………………..winter closes at this time next week.
4. Jim (read) …………………in the library at 3 p.m tomorrow.
5. He (not study)…………………at that time tomorrow.
6. …………………….(you/ stay) at home when I arrive tomorrow?
7. My father (watch)…………..a soccer match on TV at 8 o’clock tomorrow evening.
8. Our teacher (teach) …………….Math at this time next week.
9. Jim and Jane (go)…………to the local museum at this time next week.
10. All the students (sit)……..the English Exam at 7.a.m. tomorrow.
11. What……(Peter/ do) at & o’clock tomorrow morning?
12. Peter (write)…………..a report.
13. I’m very busy tomorrow morning. I (not/play) ……………sport at 8 a.m.
14. ……………………….(the baby/ sleep)  at 9p.m. tomorrow?
15. A well – known professor (deliver) …….a lecture at my university at 8 a.m.
Bai 3. Khoanh tròn đáp án đúng
1. Will you be playing the piano at this time tomorrow/ No, I (won’t/ won’t be)
2. My father will (be going/go) on a business trip at this time next month.
3. Jim promises he will (be going/go) to the book store with me tomorrow.
4. I think my cat will (be waiting/wait) for me at home at this time tomorrow.
5. These students will (be working/ work) on their end-of-term project at this time next week.
6. I think Josh won’t (be lying/lie) me again.
7. I will (be lying/lie) on my bed an hour from now.
8. At midnight today, everyone won’t (be sleeping/ sleep) because they want to see the fireworks.
9. Will you (be coming/come) to my birthday party tomorrow, Ann?
10. I think It will (be raining/ rain) at this time next month.
11. I will (be talking/ talk) with my foreign friend at this time next week.
12. I don’t think that Jim will (be winning/ win) the competition tomorrow.
13. My sister will (be having/ have dinner with her boyfriend at 7.p.m tomorrow.
14. Jim will (be learning/ learn) Japanese because he likes it.
15. Mr. Smith will (begoing/ go) shopping with me tomorrow.
Bai 4. Sap xep cac tu da cho de tao thanh cau hoan chinh
1. you/ Who/ wii/ be/ at/ time/ this/ waiting/ week/ for/ next?
2. dinner/ will/ My/ preparing/ mother/ 5 o’clock/ afternoon/ be/ at/ tomorrow.
3. Mr. Vu/ teaching/ class/ at/ tomorrow/ Will/ 8.a.m/ be/ your/ in?
4. I /be/ will/ think/ sleeping/ hour/ now/ I/ an/ from.
5. you/ this/ will/ Where/ going/ week/ be/ time/ at/ next?
6. not/ playing/ time/ this / tomorrow/ at / Jane/ will/ be.
7. here/ A/ singer/ performing/ famous/ will/ at/ be/ 8a.m./ tomorrow.
8. be/ swimming/ pool/ at/ time/ in/ will/ Mary/ next/ people/ month/ this/ this/ month.
Bài 5. Điền các động từ đã cho sẵn vào chỗ trống sao cho thích hợp, sử dụng thể khẳng định hoặc phủ định ở thì tương lai tiếp diễn của các động từ đó.
1. I will be very busy tomorrow, so I (go) ………… with my friend s at 4p.m.
2. My parents want to go fishing, so they (fish)………at this time next weekend.
3. I think it (snow)…… this time tomorrow, so I decided to stay home for warmth.
4. Today I don’t have any homework, so I (do)……….homework at 5 o’clock this afternoon.
5. I have classes tomorrow morning. I (learn)………English at 9 a.m.
6. My bike is broken. I (ride)……. It to school at this time tomorrow.
7. Jame’s bought a train ticket. He (travel)……………to Venice at this time next week.
8. We’ve canceled our boat trip. We (sail)………along the river at this time next week.
9. My parents won’t be home next week. I (eat)……alone at this time next week.
10. I (help)……my mom with housework at this time tomorrow because she will come home late.
11. My wife wants to eat out tomorrow, so she (cook)…… this time tomorrow.
12. My favorite singer (perform) …….at 7p.m. tomorrow. I will spend time for his show.
13. I (walk)……with my dog in the park at 8 o’clock tomorrow morning because my legs hurt.
14. Jim will finish his project tomorrow. He (do)….it at this time next week.
15. I’ve  bought some sunscreen. I (sunbathe)…….on the beach at this time tomorrow.
Thể    Câu chủ động    Câu bị động       
Khẳng định    S + will + V + O
We will use low energy light bulbs
Chúng tôi sẽ sử dụng bóng đèn năng lượng thấp    S + will + be + VpII  + (by  O)
Low energy light bulbs will be used.
Bóng đèn năng lượng thấp sẽ được sử dụng.       
Phủ định    S + won’t + V + O
We won’t use low energy light bulbs
Chúng tôi sẽ sử dụng bóng đèn năng lượng thấp    S + won’t + be + VpII  + (by  O)
Low energy light bulbs won’t  be used.
Bóng đèn năng lượng thấp sẽ được sử dụng.       
Nghi vấn    Will  + S + V + O?
Will you use low energy light bulbs?
Chúng ta sẽ sử dụng bóng đèn năng lượng thấp à?    Will + S + be + will + V + O?
Wil low energy light bulbs  be used?
Bóng đèn năng lượng thấp sẽ được sử dụng à?      

Bài 6. Chuyển những câu bị động dưới đây về dạng chủ động (+), dị động (-), và nghi vấn (?) ở thì tương lai đơn.
1.     (+) Peter will be taken to the airport by his father tomorrow.
2.     (+)…………………………………………………..
    (-) Tonight dinner won’t be prepared by my mother.
3.     (+) My broken bicycle will be fixed by my father.
4.     (+)…………………………………………………..
(?) Will a new building be built here?
5.     (+)…………………………………………………..
    (-) Her baby won’t be looked after by a childminder.
6.     (+) Jim’s next birthday party will be held tomorrow.
7.     (+)…………………………………………………..
(?) Will this letter be sent to Jane?
8.    (+)…………………………………………………..
    (-) This big tree will not be cut down tomorrow.
Bài 7. Khoanh tròn vào đáp án đúng
1. The contract will be …….by the CEO.
A. sign                B. signing                C. signed
2. The last decision will… the leader.
A. make                B. be make                C. be made
3. The house………before my brother comes home.
A. will clean                B. will be cleaned            C. will be cleaning
4. This museum……… thousands of people.
A. will visited            B. will be visited            C. will be visit
5. My grandfather……………after by my sister when I am not home.
A. will look                B. will be looked            C. will be looking
6. ……….painted in blue?
A. Will be room            B. Will be the room        C. Will the room be
7. Will the problem………before 8 a.m. tomorrow?
A. solve                B. be solved                C. be solving
8. When…….be built?
A. will                B. will the tower            C. the tower will
9. Your secret………revealed by anyone.
A. won’t                B. will not be            C. won’t being
10. The meeting…… many people. 
A. will be not attended        B. will not be attended        C. won’t attended
Bài 8. Chia động từ trong ngoặc ở thể bị động thì tương lai đơn.
1. Jim (visit)………………by Jane tomorrow.
2. ……..(this car/wash) by my father tomorrow?
3. In the next few days, breakfast (prepare)…………by my sister.
4. Jim’s cat (feed)……… Jane when he’s  away from home.
5. Mr.Smith’s wedding cake (not buy)……………… the local bakery.
6. ………..(our plan/ develop) into a big project?
7. The equipment you need (sell)…………………at that store tomorrow.
8. All the housework (do)………………….by the new housemaid.
9. Our project on energy saving (complete)……… the end of this month.
10. I don’t think traditional books (replace) ……………by e-books.
11. The project on new sources of power (invest)………by a group of environmentalist.
12. All the sttudents (instruct)……………………to use the new equipment by the teacher.
13. When……..(a new bridge/ build) across this river?
14. Jim’s essay (read)…………………out loud in front of the whole class tomorrow.
15. The laundry (do)…………… me tomorrow morning.
16. A new shop (open)……….at the end of the street tomorrow.
17. The report (write)……by the group leader.
18. Who (pick up) ………by Peter tonight?
19. This car (drive)………by me after my father gives me this.
20. My cat (take)…… the vet’s by my mother.
Bài 9. Dựa vào những từ cho sẵn, viết câu bị động ở thì tương lai đơn.
1. The man/ charge/ with/ armed robbery.
2. A picture of this mountain/ take/ a famous photographer.
3. His book/ translate/ into English/ next year.
4. The plan/ explain/ clearly/ to you.
5. The postcard/ send/ to my grandparents.
6. Jim’s new book/ publish/ this year?
7. When/ they/ pay/ their salary?
8. The reseacher/ conduct/ this year.
9. A letter/ write/ send/ to me/ a foreign friend.
10. Mary/ think/ milk/ deliver/ to her house/ before 7 a.m. tomorrow.
Bài 10. Chuyển các câu chủ động dưới đây thành câu bị động hoặc ngược lại
1. They will hold a party tomorrow night.
2. Which dress will Jane buy?
3. Someone will water these flowers tomorrow.
4. People won’t destroy rainforests  any more.
5. No one will buy this expensive dress.
6. What will they do to save energy?
7. A lecture will be delivered by a famous propessor tomorrow.
8. Non – renewable energy will be replaced by renewable energy.
9. All his savings will not be spent on buying new house.
10. Peter will be sent to a new shool by his parents.
11. All the dishes will be made by a famous chef.
12. Where will the students be met by their teacher?    
Bài 11. Gạch chân lỗi sai và sửa lại cho đúng
1. My family will be gone on a summer vacation at this time next week.
2. Jim will be not reading books at this time tomorrow.
3. When will be the shop opened again?
4. Preparations for the events will be making before 8.a.m. tomorrow.
5. I don’t think machines will be replaced workers in the factories.
6. The streets will be widening soon after tomorrow.
7. All the old houses in my neighborhood will pull down next week.
8. My computer will be assisted me with my study.
Bài 12. Chia động từ trong hộp vào chỗ trống sao cho thích hợp, sử dụng thể bị động thì tương lai đơn.
find    hold    install    Use up    put       
use    replace    exploit    build    broadcast     
1. The government has passed laws to protect the forests, so forests (not)………for woods any more.
2. If we don’t save natural resouces, they……….in the near future.
3. I think that renewable sources of energy …………………..widely in the future.
4. Scientists believe that new sources of energy ………..soon.
5. Some windmill….in my hometown. We will probably use wind power instead of hydroelectric power.
6. It is possible that hydroelectricity……by solar or wind energy in the xext decade.
7. A conference on alternative energy……….next month.
8. A TV program about new sources of energy …… tomorrow morning.
9. Two thousand of solar panels…….in this erea next year.
10. Watershed forests…….under protection of the government.
Bài 13. Khoanh tròn vào đáp án đúng.
1. I …….English at this time tomorrow.
A. will be taught            B. will be teaching            C. will teach
2. What will it ……by its owner?
A. be called                B. be calling                C. call
3. The baby…..after by me before his mother comes back.
A.  will be looked            B. will be looking            C. will look
4. I promise this……again.
A. won’t be happened        B. won’t be happening        C. won’t happen
5. Where……to by our parents this weekend?
A. will you be taken            B. will you be taking        C. will you take
6. My favorite singer will be singing……tomorrow.
A. at time                B. at this time            C. in
7. I will be playing badminton……my friends an hour from now.
A. by                    B. with                C. of
8. Dinner will …… me tonight because I’m ill.
A. be cooked            B. not be cooked            C. not cook
9. Where will it……?
A. be located            B. be locating            C. locate
10. I think my homework …….before 4 o’clock  this afternoon.
A. will be finished            B. will be finishing        c. will finish
Bài 14. Chia động từ trong ngoặc ở thể chủ động hoặc bị động thì tương lai sao cho thích hợp
1. If we don’t use fossil fuel efficiently, we (run) …..out of it soon.
2. Solar power (use)…… the main source of energy in many countries in the future.
3. …….(many people/ attend) this conference?
4. Our family (use)……….the new type of bulb to save energy.
5. People (allow)……… destroy rainforests any more.
6. The government (put)……..natural resources under protection.
7. Solar panels (see)………in many parts of the world.
8. My grandfather doesn’t believe that electricity  (generate)…… the wind.
Bài 15. Khoanh tròn đáp án đúng.
    In the future, people ………(1)  to find alternative energy sources. Our current rate of using fossil fuel (2)………… an energy crisis this century. In some parts of the world  nowadays, renewable sources of energy (3)…….. They (4)……….the main sources of power when non-renewable energy (5)………. At this time in the next decade, we (6)………soalr – powereeed cars. All the machines in factories  (7)…….biodieselin the future. Windmills (8)…… many places to supply people with electricity. Future research and development of renewable resources are necessary now.
1. A. will force        B. will be forced        C. will be forcing        D. are forced
2. A. will lead        B. will be led        C. will be leading        D. is led
3. A. will research        B. will be researched    C. will be researching    D. are researched
4. A. will become        B. will be become        C. will be becoming    D. are become
5. A. ends            B. uses up            C. runs out            D. finished
6. A. will drive        B. will be driven        C. will be driving        D. are driven
7. A. will run on        B. will be run on        C. will run out        D. will be run out
8. A. will build        B. will be built        C. will be building        D. are built
Bài 16. Đọc đoạn văn và điền đúng (T) hoặc sai (F) vào trước các câu bên dưới
    Fossil fuel has been an important part of the development of the human beings. It has been one of the main sources of energy and humans are very reliant upon it. However, alternative energy are developed to replace fossil fuel in the future. This is very important for two primary reasons.
    Firstly, fossil fuels are a finite resources and they are non-renewable. In the future, fossil fuels are going to run out or they are going to become to expensive to use. If fossil fuels become too expensive to use, people will just start using something else. Solar energy and or wind energy are two examples of practical sources of future energy. In fact, many countries have installed solar panels and built windmills to generate power.
    The second reason is that fossil fuel contributes to climate change. Over the years, fossil fuel emissions have polluted the air, land and even water. However, renewable energy such as solar power aor wave power are environment – friendly. If we replace fossil fuel by solar power, for example, we will save our planet too.
……….    1. Fossil fuel  has been the only source of energy       
………    2. In the future, fossil fuels will be used up       
…..….    3. Solar panels are installes in many countries       
………    4. Fossil fuel can cause climate change       
………    5. Fossil fuel emissions have polluted the air, land and even water       
………    6. Renewable energy such as solar power doesn’t damage the environment.     


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