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05/03/2020 22:17:26

Read the passage and do the tasks below

2. Read the passage and do the tasks below.


A. Pollution is the fouling of the environment – that is, land, water and air – by waste, smoke, chemicals and other harmful substances. Every industrial country faces the problem of waste. As factories make new goods for people to buy, old ones are thrown out with the household trash. Burning this garbage pollutes the air; throwing it in rivers and seas pollutes the water; and rubbish tips are unpleasant and take up much- needed space. Getting rid of plastic is particularly difficult- with time wood and paper decay through action of bacteria, but plastics never decay.

B. As industry needs a regular supply of raw materials, the best solution to the problem of waste is to make use of it as a raw material by reusing or ‘recycling’ it. For example, old cars can be taken apart and the valuable metal used again.

C. The world’s oceans have been used as ‘dustbins’, with millions of tons of litter being thrown into the seas every year, endangering marine life. If too much sewage is poured into sea, lakes and rivers the water can no longer dilute it – all the oxygen gets used up and the fish die. The bacteria which normally break down the refuse into harmless matter also die; only harmful bacteria which do not need air remain, and these cause disease.

D. In the 1950s, people in Japan became ill with a new disease, named Minamata disease. It was found that they had been eating tuna fish containing mercury. The mercury had come from chemicals poured into the sea by factories.

E. Smoke from factories and gases from motor vehicles pollute the air. Chemicals in the air combine with the wetness in the air make acids, which eat away stone and brick, and damage buildings. Carbon monoxide gas and substances called hydrocarbons – given out by the engines of cars and lorries and buses – can damage people’s health.

F. Smog formed by chemical reactions among the fumes (gases) in strong sunlight darkens the skies. It is bad for health, especially for people with lung problems. Smog also damages trees and other plant life.

G. Chemicals in the fumes, especially from coal – fired power stations mix with moisture to make acid rain which may fall hundreds of kilometers away.

H. Another very serious form of pollution is the build - up of carbon dioxide in the upper layer of air. As we burn coal, wood, petrol and oil, more carbon dioxide is sent into this layer. This is causing the sun’s warmth to be caught near the earth’s surface, by what is called the ‘green house effect’. If the burning continues, average temperatures could rise by around 3⁰ to 5 ⁰ C in the next 59 years or so. Weather patterns will change, so that regions that now grow wheat or corn will receive no rains at all. Also, the

polar ice caps may melt and raise sea levels by over five meters. This would mean that big sea port cities and vast areas of low -lying land, such as the Netherlands and Maldives, will be covered with water.

I. Pollution is also caused by the fertilizers and insecticides used by farmers. The chemicals in fertilizers may be washed from the soil into rivers. They can build up in water supplies, and they can also make algae (a very small sea plant) grow so fast that they use up all the oxygen in the water, and kill all life in it.

J. Nuclear energy has two main drawbacks. It can result in accidents, as at Chernobyl in the Soviet Union in 1986. It also produces radioactive wastes which need to be dealt with. By its very nature this form of deadly pollution will be around for thousands of years. The present solution is to put away radioactive waste in concrete and bury them or drop them to the sea bed. But we cannot go on doing this forever.

K. Making our world free of pollution is an unimaginably big task. There are so many people, for one thing. Also many governments and big companies are slow to act, since anti pollution measures are not welcome or are expensive. Many people like the idea of reducing pollution, but not when it changes the way they live.

L. Pollution must be controlled, and the sooner the better. It will cost a great deal, both in terms of money and a change of life style. For example, acid rain can be stopped by checking the harmful fumes before they go out from power stations chimneys. This may push up the price of electricity. Perhaps the packaging of goods in bright plastic and the ‘throw away’ culture should also be discouraged.

M. There are different pollutants (substances which cause pollution) in the modern world. Scientists are trying to find ways to avoid using them so as to bring back the ‘balance of nature’ which man has upset.

2.1 Choose correct answer.

a. Pollution refers to:

A. cleaning of land, water and air.

B. fouling of the environment by waste, smoke, chemicals and other harmful substances .

C. closing down of factories.

b. Getting rid of plastics is particularly difficult because

A. they never decay, unlike wood and paper.

B. they can never be broken down into pieces.

C. they cannot be burnt.

c. When too much sewage is poured into the sea

A. the water turns brown. B. the sea water turns salty. C. it kills marine life.

d. “Recycling” means

A. using bicycles instead of cars and other motor vehicles.

B. the build-up of carbon monoxide in the upper layer of air.

C. using waste materials again for making new things.

e. When chemicals in fertilizers are washed from the soil into rivers

A. this river water helps plants grow very fast.

B. plants on the land die.

C. they make algae grow very fast they use up all the oxygen in the water and kill all the life in it.

2.2 Find the words in the passage which best fit the meanings given below. A paragraph letter tells you where to look (Tìm từ phù hợp với định nghĩa đã cho trong mỗi đoạn văn. Các đoạn văn đã được đánh dấu bằng bảng chữ cái để bạn có thể tìm được):

a. causing danger (C)______________________________________________

b. make a liquid thinner. (C) _________________________________________

c. chemicals used to kill insects (I) ____________________________________

d. difficulties or disadvantages (J) ____________________________________

e. keep away from (M) ___________________________________________

2.3 Answer the following questions.

a. The world’s oceans have become dustbins. How?


b. Name the disease that caused because of eating tuna fish.


c. What is the harmful effect of sewage poured into the sea and lakes?


d. What is green house effect?


e. Write two drawbacks of nuclear energy.


f. Making our world free of pollution is a big task. Why?


g. Name some of the pollutants that cause pollution?


h. How does smog affect our life and plant life?


i. What will happen to the low – lying lands if polar ice caps melt?


j. Do fertilizers and insecticides cause pollution? How?


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