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18/03/2020 15:49:30

Which word contains a different sound from the others?

35. Which sentence is correct?

       A. The balloons costs 20,000 dong.

       B. The balloons cost 20,000 dong.

       C. The balloons are cost 20,000 dong.

       D. The balloons are costing 20,000 dong.

36. Is there a stadium _________ your neighborhood?

       A. under                    B. in                         C. over                    D. opposite

37. How many syllables are there in the word envelope?

       A. two                        B. three                   C. four                     D. five

38. Which word has stress pattern Ooo?

       A. office                    B. thousand            C. architect             D. A&B

39. My father goes jogging ___________.

       A. every day             B. everyday            C. a day                   D. the day

40. - Are there any tall trees in the park?

      - __________________.

       A. Yes, they are                                        B. Yes, they have

       C. Yes, they do                                          D. Yes, there are


41. - ________ is behind the building?

      - The park.

       A. What                     B. Who                    C. Where                 D. Whose

42. Does Bob's brother _________ for a big company?

       A. work                     B. working              C. works                  D. to work

43. Pick out the word in which the first syllable is stressed.

       A. factory                  B. pagoda               C. museum              D. cafeteria

44. Which word is the odd one out?

       A. baker                    B. drugstore           C. bank                    D. souvenir shop

45. - ____________ do you get there from your house?

      - By bus.

       A. What                     B. How                    C. Where                 D. When

46. Which word contains a different sound from the others?

       A. sheep                    B. bean                    C. seat                     D. it

47. Which word contains the sound /ɜ:/?

       A. foot                       B. pull                     C. noon                   D. shirt

48. How many students _________ in your evening, class?

       A. is it                        B. are they              C. is there               D. are there


49. There _________ someone at the door.

       A. is                           B. are                       C. be                        D. can

50. Choose the word or phrase that needs correcting

       The hotel (A) is (B) really nice. It's (C) near to (D) the museums.

51. There aren't ________ subway stops.

       A. some                     B. any                      C. a                          D. an

52. I'm going to the _________. I want to get some money.

       A. restaurant             B. bank                   C. drugstore            D. bookstore

53. - I'd like to send this letter to the United States.

      - You need to buy some stamps for ________ mail.

       A. foreigner              B. local                   C. overseas             D. domestic

54. There's a cafe ________ the bookstore.

       A. next                       B. near                    C. opposite             D. B&C

55. Could you please _____ me the way to the subway stop?

       A. show                     B. take                     C. make                   D. teach

56. Which word contains the sound /æ/?

       A. said                       B. bread                  C. pen                      D. bag

57. - __________ is the Riverview Shopping Center?

       - It's on Grand Avenue, next to the National theater.

       A. Where                   B. What                   C. When                  D. Who

58. There _________ some oranges in the fridge.

       A. is                           B. are                       C. has                      D. have

59. Pick out the word in which the second syllable is stressed.

       A. beginning             B. camera               C. family                 D. apple

60. - Where _________ is Tom?

       - He's studying in the school library.

       A. the earth               B. on earth              C. heavens              D. goodness

61. Is _______________ living room big?

       A. they                       B. their                    C. theirs                  D. B&C

62. ________ a lot of stores in your neighborhood?

       A. Is there                 B. Are there           C. Has there            D. Have there

63. Which word contains a different sound from the others?

       A. bad                        B. park                    C. scarf                    D. guitar

64. - Is Teddy in the garden?

       - ________________.

       A. Yes, he's.              B. Yes, he is.          C. Yes, he does.     D. No, he doesn't.

65. Thank you very much ________ your present.

       A. for                         B. with                    C. of                         D. at

66. My parents ______ in a beautiful house in the country.

       A. lives                      B. to live                 C. live                      D. living

67. There's a bookstore to the _______ of the supermarket.

       A. behind                  B. left                      C. in front               D. near

68. Which word contains the sound /ai/?

       A. price                     B. seat                     C. brick                   D. sandwich

69. Put these sentences in the correct order to make a conversation.

                                           a. Ok, thank you.

                                           b. Excuse me. Is there a grocery store near here?

                                           c. You're welcome.

                                           d. Yes, there is. It's on Le Loi street, next to the cafe.

       A. c - d - a - b                                            B. a - b - c - d

       C. d - a - b - c                                            D. b - d - a - c

(ai giải đúng mình tặng điểm cộng, chấm 5điểm và vào trang cá nhân đánh giá 5sao)

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