Quỳnh thảo mai | Chat Online
23/03/2020 20:50:54

Put the verbs in brackets in the correct verb form.1. I (think) that mountain-climbing is very dangerous

Put the verbs in brackets in the correct verb form.
1. I (think) that mountain-climbing is very dangerous.
2. My father (like) collecting stamps so much.
3. She (take) a lot of photos when she (go) on holidays.
4. I like drawing very much. My hobby is (paint) .
5. My mother says when she (retire) , she (go) back to her village to do the
6. your sister (like) (make) model in her free time?
7. My brother (promise) that he (give) me a nice doll on my birthday.
8. Duong says he loves horse-riding but he (not/ continue) this hobby from next year.
9. My aunt (play) the guitar once a week.
10. Don't worry. I (dance) with you next Sunday.

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