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23/03/2020 22:16:10

Read the passage and choose the best answer for each question that follows.The United Kingdom is a large island located in Europe. It also includes part of the island of Ireland. It is made up of four nations: England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern ..

Read the passage and choose the best answer for each question that follows.

The United Kingdom is a large island located in Europe. It also includes part of the island of Ireland. It is made up of four nations: England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. Over 60 million people live in the United Kingdom. The vast majority of the population, however, lives in England. Presently, Queen Elizabeth II is the monarch of the United Kingdom, but in fact she has very little political power.

The history of the United Kingdom is full of wars, invasions, revolutions, and interesting rulers. Numerous castles, fortifications, old cathedrals, and ruins are evidence of the kingdom's past. The ‘UK’, as it is often called, was once the world’s most powerful nation. Canada, Australia, India, Pakistan, and even the United States, are among nations that used to be controlled by the United Kingdom. It is also the birthplace of the English language.

There are many remarkable landmarks to see in the United Kingdom such as the Tower of London, Big Ben, Oxford University and the mysterious Stonehenge. Oxford University, founded sometime in the 12th century, is the oldest university in the English-speaking world. Many of the United Kingdom’s former prime ministers attended Oxford. Stonehenge, located near Salisbury, England, is a group of giant standing stones arranged in a circular formation. It is believed that the formations are over 4,500 years old. No one knows exactly what Stonehenge is meant to represent.


16. Which of the following is NOT a country that makes up the United Kingdom?

A. London B. Northern Ireland C. Scotland D. Wales

17. Which of the following would probably not be evidence of United Kingdom’s past?

A. Old churches and cathedrals B. Castles and fortifications

C. Computers and technology D. ruins

18. Which of the following nations was not once controlled by the United Kingdom?

A. The USA B. Canada C. Australia D. Russia

19. Why is Stonehenge mysterious?

A. It is old B. No one knows what it represents

C. The stones are heavy D. The stones are mostly grey

20. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. The United Kingdom’s queen is named Elizabeth II.

B. The queen makes political decisions.

C. The United Kingdom was the birthplace of the English language.

D. The United Kingdom is made up of Wales, England, Northern Ireland, and Scotland.

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