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27/03/2020 12:37:24

Choose the best answer:

 I/ Choose the best answer:
 1. The students suggested.................the posters on energy saving. ( a. make b. to make    c. making )
 2. His hobbies are reading comics.................playing video games( a. or    b. and        c. but )
 3. She is ..........that her English speaking is becoming better. ( a. pleased    b. worried    c. sure )
 4. What are you doing, Lan? – I’m looking...................my keys. ( a. after    b. for        c. at )
 5. I suggest that we..............English regularly in class.( a. speaking   b. must speak     c. should speak )
 6. People can save natural resources by using................energy.( a. sunny    b. solar    c. sun )
 7. They didn’t go to the circus...........the tickets were too expensive. ( a. because    b. as        c. a & b are OK)
 8. If she................him at the club, she will give him a present. ( a. will see    b. sees           c. doesn’t see )
 9. What do we do to reduce air.................................in the city    ( a. pollution    b . polluting    c. polluted )
 10. She is looking forward.........her parents at Christmate (  a. to meet   b. meeting     c. to meeting )
 11. Solar panels are installed on the roof of a house.................the energy from the sun.
 ( a. to receive        b. receive    c. receiving        d. to get )
 12. It is very dark here. Could you turn..................the lights? ( a. off        b. on        c. down )
 13. The sun can be an...........and clean source of power.( a. effect    b. effective    c. effectively )
 14. If we go on.......water, we will be a shortage of water in a few decades.
   ( a. wasting    b. to waste    c. waste )
 15. There is a .................................faucet in the bathroom. ( a. drip    b. dripping    c. to drip )
 16. I want to see the..................of the environment from the local authorities.
 ( a. protect        b. protection        c. protective )
 17. I think we should save our ......................resources. ( a. natural    b. nature    c. naturally )
 18. We should use...........bulbs instead of ordinary bulbs.
 ( a. saving- energy       b. energy- saving       c. saving )
 19. He isn’t very rich..............he spends a lot of money helping the poor. ( a. but           b. and    c. so )
 20. We should be aware of the problem of.................( a. polluting        b. polluted    c. pollution )
 21. They are delighted that the water here is................    ( a. polluted        b. unpolluted    c. pollute )
 22. Most of the consumers want products working.............( a. effective    b. effect   c. effectively )
 23. What can we do to spend less.............................lighting? ( a. on        b. for        c. in )
 24. She often looks.............her brother when her parents are away   ( a. for    b. after    c. like )
 25. If Nam..............his homework, he will go with us. ( a. finishes    b. will finish    c. finish )
 26.She was ...........because she couldn’t pass her exam. ( a. happy    b. unhappy    c. unhappily )
 27. They had to stay at home.................it rained heavily.( a. so    b. but        c. since )
 28. Everyone must take part in.........deforestation   ( a. preventing       b. reducing    c. protecting )
 29. I’m............that my school team didn’t win the first prize  ( a. sure   b. delighted      c. disappointed )
 30. Electricity, gas, water are very..........for our life.( a. necessary       b. necessity           c. unnecessary )
 31. Solar energy can be clean and it doesn’t cause..........( a. polluted       b. pollution           c. polluting )
 32. We are looking forward ..........from the local authorities. ( a. to hear    b. hear        c. to hearing )
 33. She suggests that you ............them to the party   ( a. should invite    b. must invite       c. will invite )
 34. We went.....................working in the field although it was too dark. ( a. to    b. on    c. into )
 35.He wanted to watch the weather forecast, so he turned...............the TV. ( a. on    b. down    c. off )
 36. She didn’t go with us because she had to look.............my sister. ( a. for       b. after      c. up )
 37. I suggest..............the garden early in the morning. ( a. watering    b. to water    c. should water )
 38. There are ten years in a................., aren’t there? ( a. century    b. decade    c. millennium )
 39.They suggest that we........money for our poor friends ( a. saving    b. must save    c. should save )
 40. Can you turn...........the radio, please? I can’t hear anything.( a. down    b. on        c. in to )
 41. Does she live in the city............................in the country? ( a. or        b. and        c. but )
 42. He has an..........amount of money after winning the lottery( a. enormous    b. much    c. many )
 43. Where do you want the telephone to be...................? ( a. install    b. stored    c. installed )
 44. I’m worried about my most recent.........bill. It is enormous.( a. electricity    b. electric    c. electrical )
 45. There is a..........................faucet in the bathroom. ( a. drip    b. dripping    c. dripped )
 46. Lighting accounts .......15 percent to 20 percent of the electricity bill.( a. to    b. of    c. for )
 47. All buildings in Sweden .......by solar energy in 2015 ( a. will be heated           b. will heat    c. heats )
 48. We think we should take a shower instead of a bath ..........energy. ( a. save    b. saving    c. to save )
 49. He has been looking ..........his missing child for many years. ( a. for    b. after    c. like )
 50. The vacation was short; .................., they enjoyed it very much. ( a. but    b. however    c. so )
 II/ Use the correct form of the verbs:
 1.    We ( not play )........................................... ..........................................well if it rains.
 2.    If my sister ( study )....................................hard, she will pass her exam with excellent results.
 3.    They suggested ( speak )........................................... ........English in class more often.
 4.    I'm sure that they ( not go )...................................... ............................with him.
 5.    What about ( collect )........................................... ....................unused clothes for them.
 6.    We are excited that our school ( hold )............................an English- speaking contest next week.
 7.    I think we should ( take )......................................... ....a shower instead of a bath to save energy.
 8.    Raw sewage ( pump )........................................... ......................................directly into the sea.
 9.    If we go on ( litter )......................................., the environment will become seriously polluted.
 10.    Solar energy can ( use ).......................................... .............................................on cloudy days.
 11.    The teacher suggested ( go ).........................on a picnic next weekend.
 12.    The boys kept ( play )............................volleyball in the stadium although it was raining hard.
 13.    We can reduce garbage by ( collect )......................................all waste things for recycling.
 14.    Today I'm going to tell you how ( save ).................................... .energy in the kitchen.
 15.    He ( not come )....................................to your party if you don' t invite him.
 III/ Do as directed:
 1.    They couldn’t play soccer because it rained heavily. ( Using “ Because of” )
 .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .....
 2.    She has a rich father. She is happy ( Using “ That- Clause” )
 .................................................. .................................................. ................................................
 3.    Mai / was / pleased / she / got / for / an A / her assignment / that. ( Rearrange the words )
 .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ..
 4.    Let’s organize the show to raise money.
 I suggest................................................ ................................
 5. I / think / energy- saving bulbs / should / use / save / electricity. ( Make a complete sentence )
 .................................................. .................................................. ...............................................
 6.    It was raining ( heavy )...., so they stopped playing soccer ( Use the correct form of the word )
 7.    I / suggest / take / shower / instead / bath / save water ( Make a correct sentence )
 .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ........
 8. Why don’t you take a shower instead of a bath to save energy.
 I suggest that............................................... .................................................. .....................................
  9. The weather was fine, so they decided to go on a picnic.
 Since................................................. .................................................. ...............................................
 10.What about having lunch at that restaurant tonight?
 I suggest that............................................... .................................................. ........................................
     IV/ Using connectives: And, but, or, because, so, however,
 1.    His parents began to worry about him. They didn’t hear anything from him.
 .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .........
 2.    My father got up late. He missed the bus to work.
 .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .......
 3.    He told an a amazing story. Nobody laughed.
 .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ......
 4.    The city is very crowded. The air is polluted.
 .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ...
 5.    Do you want lemon juice? Do you want orange juice?
 .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ..........
 6.    It was raining heavily. We decided to continue our picnic in the forest.
 .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .
 7.    The countryside is very peaceful. The air there is fresh.
 .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .........
 8.    I turned the heating on. It was too cold.
 .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .....
 9.    Does she prefer to live in the country? Does she prefer to live in the city?
 .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ..
 10.    My friend felt very tired. He left the party and went home.
 .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ....

 (CLASS 9A1, 9A2, 9A3)
 I/ Choose the best answer:
 1. The students suggested....................the posters on energy saving. ( a. make     b. to make    c. making )
 2. His hobbies are reading comics.................playing video games. ( a. or        b. and        c. but )
 3. She is .................that her English speaking is becoming better. ( a. pleased    b. worried    c. sure )
 4. What are you doing, Lan? – I’m looking...................my keys. ( a. after    b. for        c. at )
 5. I suggest that we...........English regularly in class. ( a. speaking       b. must speak     c. should speak )
 6. People can save natural resources by using....................energy. ( a. sunny    b. solar        c. sun )
 7. They didn’t go to the circus...........the tickets were too expensive. ( a. because    b. as           c. a & b are OK)
 8. If she................him at the club, she will give him a present. ( a. will see    b. sees           c. doesn’t see )
 9. What do we do to reduce air.................................in the city    ( a. pollution    b . polluting    c. polluted )
 10. She is looking forward..........................her parents at Christmas     (  a. to meet    b. meeting    c. to meeting )
 11. Solar panels are installed on the roof of a house.................the energy from the sun.
 ( a. to receive        b. receive    c. receiving        d. to get )
 12. It is very dark here. Could you turn..........................the lights? ( a. off        b. on        c. down )
 13. The sun can be an..................and clean source of power. ( a. effect    b. effective    c. effectively )
 14. If we go on.......water, we will be a shortage of water in a few decades. ( a. wasting    b. to waste    c. waste )
 15. There is a .....................................faucet in the bathroom. ( a. drip    b. dripping    c. to drip )
 16. I want to see the..................of the environment from the local authorities.
 ( a. protect        b. protection        c. protective )
 17. I think we should save our ...........................resources. ( a. natural    b. nature    c. naturally )
 18. We should use...........bulbs instead of ordinary bulbs. ( a. saving- energy       b. energy- saving       c. saving )
 19. He isn’t very rich..............he spends a lot of money helping the poor. ( a. but       b. and    c. so )
 20. We should be aware of the problem of.................( a. polluting        b. polluted    c. pollution )
 21. They are delighted that the water here is.....................    ( a. polluted        b. unpolluted    c. pollute )
 22. Most of the consumers want products working..............    ( a. effective        b. effect    c. effectively )
 23. What can we do to spend less.............................lighting? ( a. on        b. for        c. in )
 24. She often looks.............her brother when her parents are away   ( a. for        b. after    c. like )
 25. If Nam.......................his homework, he will go with us. ( a. finishes        b. will finish    c. finish )
 26.She was ..................because she couldn’t pass her exam. ( a. happy    b. unhappy    c. unhappily )
 27. They had to stay at home.................it rained heavily. ( a. so        b. but        c. since )
 28. Everyone must take part in................deforestation. ( a. preventing        b. reducing    c. protecting )
 29. I’m............that my school team didn’t win the first prize      ( a. sure        b. delighted          c. disappointed )
 30. Electricity, gas, water are very..........for our life. ( a. necessary       b. necessity           c. unnecessary )
 31. Solar energy can be clean and it doesn’t cause.................( a. polluted       b. pollution           c. polluting )
 32. We are looking forward ....................from the local authorities. ( a. to hear    b. hear        c. to hearing )
 33. She suggests that you ..........................them to the party  ( a. should invite    b. must invite    c. will invite )
 34. We went.....................working in the field although it was too dark. ( a. to    b. on        c. into )
 35.He wanted to watch the weather forecast, so he turned.......................the TV. ( a. on    b. down    c. off )
 36. She didn’t go with us because she had to look.................my sister. ( a. for        b. after   c. up )
 37. I suggest........................the garden early in the morning. ( a. watering    b. to water    c. should water )
 38. There are ten years in a............................., aren’t there? ( a. century    b. decade    c. millennium )
 39.They suggest that we..................money for our poor friends. ( a. saving    b. must save    c. should save )
 40. Can you turn.................the radio, please? I can’t hear anything. ( a. down    b. on        c. in to )
 41. Does she live in the city............................in the country? ( a. or        b. and        c. but )
 42. He has an...............amount of money after winning the lottery    ( a. enormous    b. much    c. many )
 43. Where do you want the telephone to be................? ( a. install    b. stored    c. installed )
 44. I’m worried about my most recent..........bill. It is enormous.( a. electricity    b. electric     c. electrical )
 45. There is a..........................faucet in the bathroom. ( a. drip    b. dripping    c. dripped )
 46. Lighting accounts ..................15 percent to 20 percent of the electricity bill.
 ( a. to        b. of        c. for )
 47. All buildings in Sweden .................by solar energy in 2015 ( a. will be heated           b. will heat    c. heats )
 48. We think we should take a shower instead of a bath ...................energy. ( a. save    b. saving    c. to save )
 49. He has been looking ....................his missing child for many years. ( a. for    b. after        c. like )
 50. The vacation was short; .................., they enjoyed it very much. ( a. but    b. however    c. so )

 II/ Use the correct form of the verbs:
 16.    We ( not play )........................won't................ .............................................well if it rains.
 17.    If my sister ( study )..............studies.......................hard, she will pass her exam with excellent results.
 18.    They suggested ( speak )...........speaking............................... .........English in class more often.
 19.    I'm sure that they ( not go )................won't go.................. ................................with him.
 20.    What about ( collect )...........collecting............................... .....................unused clothes for them.
 21.    We are excited that our school ( hold ).......is going to hold............................ .....an English- speaking contest next week.
 22.    I think we should ( take ).............take........................... .....a shower instead of a bath to save energy.
 23.    Raw sewage ( pump ).....is pumped.................................... ............directly into the sea.
 24.    If we go on ( litter )............littering....................., the environment will become seriously polluted .
 25.    Solar energy can ( use )..........................be used.............. ..............on cloudy days.
 26.    The teacher suggested ( go ).........going................on a picnic next weekend.
 27.    The boys kept ( play )........playing....................volleyball in the stadium although it was raining hard.
 28.    We can reduce garbage by ( collect ).........collecting............................all waste things for recycling.
 29.    Today I'm going to tell you how ( save ).........to save......................... ...energy in the kitchen.
 30.    He ( not come ).......won't come.............................to your party if you don't invite him.
 III/ Do as directed:
 5.    They couldn’t play soccer because it rained heavily. ( Using “ Because of” )
 -    Because of the heavy rain they couldn’t play soccer
 6.    She has a rich father. She is happy ( Using “ That- Clause” )
 -    She is happy that she has a rich father
 7.    Mai / was / pleased / she / got / for / an A / her assignment / that. ( Rearrange the words )
 -    Mai  was  pleased that she got an A for her assignment
 8.    Let’s organize the show to raise money.
 -     I suggest organizing the show to raise money
 9. I / think / energy- saving bulbs / should / use / save / electricity. ( Make a complete sentence )
 -     I  think  energy- saving bulbs should be used to save electricity
 10.It was raining ( heavy) heavily, so they stopped playing soccer ( Use the correct form of the word )
 11.    I / suggest / take / shower / instead / bath / save water ( Make a correct sentence )
 -     I  suggest  taking shower instead of bathto save water
 12. Why don’t you take a shower instead of a bath to save energy.
 -    I suggest that you should take a shower instead of a bath to save energy
 13. The weather was fine, so they decided to go on a picnic.
 -    Since the weather was fine, they decided to go on a picnic.
 14.What about having lunch at that restaurant tonight?
 -    I suggest that we should have lunch at that restaurant tonight.

 IV/ Using connectives: And, but, or, because, so, however,
 1.    His parents began to worry about him. They didn’t hear anything from him.
 -    His parents began to worry about him because they didn’t hear anything from him
 2.    My father got up late. He missed the bus to work.
 -    My father got up late, so he missed the bus to work.
 3.    He told an a amazing story. Nobody laughed.
 -    He told an a amazing story, however, nobody laughed
 4.    The city is very crowded. The air is polluted.
 -    The city is very crowded and the air is polluted
 5.    Do you want lemon juice? Do you want orange juice?
 -     Do you want lemon juice or orange juice?
 6.    It was raining heavily. We decided to continue our picnic in the forest.
 -    It was raining heavily, but we decided to continue our picnic in the forest.
 7.    The countryside is very peaceful. The air there is fresh.
 -    The countryside is very peaceful and the air there is fresh.
 8.    I turned the heating on. It was too cold.
 -    It was too cold, so I turned the heating on
 9.    Does she prefer to live in the country? Does she prefer to live in the city?
 -    Does she prefer to live in the country or in the city?
 10.    My friend felt very tired. He left the party and went home.
 -    My friend felt very tired, so he left the party and went home

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