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29/03/2020 14:03:55


1/" Which the sport  do you play?"----->the teacher asked me............................
2/"How do you learn E?"------->Minh asked Hoa........................................
3/"Why do you go home late?"---->Nam's mother asked him......................................
4/"Will you stay at home tomorrow?"---->My friend asked me.................................
5/"Do you like milk?"--->.Lan asked her sister.........................................................
6/'Are you writting a letter now?"--->Chi asekd Hung......................................................
7/"I will buy some flowers fors my mother"--->Lan said..................................................
8/"My birthday is in May"--->Ba said......................................................
9/"This milk is good for you,Minh"--->Nga said.........................................................
10/"I don't like coffee"--->...........................................................
11/"Don't talk in class."-->The teacher asked us...................................................
12/"Go to the store and buy me some tea"--->My mother told me..........................................
13/"Can you give me some money .?"--->Lan asked her mother..................................................
14/'Don't you put your leg on the chải"--->The teacher told tuan...............................................
15/"Will you pass me the book next to you?"--->Lan told me.............................................................
16/"I have something to show you now"--->He told me........................................................................
17/"I'm leaving here for hue tomorrrow "-->She said....................................................................
18/"I'll come with you as soon as i am ready"--->Nam told me.........................................................
19/"Who puts the salt in my cup of coffee?"------->He asked me........................................................
20/"Why do you come here late?"--->She asked ...............................................
21/"I must go with your uncle now"--->The father told us.............................................................
22/"You should give me your english  test, Nam"--->Mr Hung said............................................


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