Vu Sammurai | Chat Online
08/04/2020 16:36:30

Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in the following passage

VI. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in the following passage. (1,5pts)

For most North American households, lighting (19)_______________ for 10 percent to 15 percent of the (20)_________________ bill. However, this amount can be (21)_________________ by replacing an (22)____________100-watt light bulb (23)______________ an energy- saving bulb. These bulbs use a quarter of the electricity of standard bulbs and last eight times longer. (24)_____________, consumers can save about US $7 to US $21 per bulb.

19. A. accounts B. stores C. compares D. consumes

20. A. electric B. electrical C. electrician D. electricity

21. A. reduce B. to reduce C. reducing D. reduced

22. A. ordinary B. used C. appliance D. unit

23. A. to B. with C. for D. by

24. A. So B. Because C. However D. Therefore

The energy - saving bulbs use a quarter of the electricity of (1)_____________ bulbs and last eight times longer. Therefore (2)___________ can save about US$7 to US$21 per bulb.

In Europe, there is a labeling (3) ________________for refrigerators, freezers, washing machines (4)_______ tumble dryers. The label tells the consumers how much energy efficiency each model has , compared (5)_________ the other appliances in the same category.Ultimately, these innovations will save money as (6)________ as conserve the Earth’s resources.

1. A.enormous B.solid C.standard D.separate

2. A.drivers B.consumers C.teachers D.singers

3. A.scheme B.bill C.word D.resource

4. B.but C.and D.because

5. B.on C.with

6. A.good B.different C.well D.effective



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