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19/04/2020 15:56:52

Choose the word/ phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the space in each sentence

I.Choose the word/ phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the space in each sentence.

Exercise 1

1. They are talking about the celebration ……………… is going to be held at the end of the month.

              A. this                       B. then                           C. who                          D. which

2. Is this the ring ……………… you were looking for ?

              A. who                      B. which                        C. whose                       D. whom

3. I thought I recognized the assistant ……………… served us.

              A. where                   B. whose                       C. which                        D. that

4. Mary, ……………… sits next to me, is good at math.

              A. which                   B. that                            C. who                          D. why

5. The people in Phuket- Thailand have experienced the tidal wave, …… is among the most harmful disasters.

              A. who                      B. is                               C. which                        D. that

6. The train, ……………… goes to Flower Square, will arrive at any moment.

              A. who                      B. that                            C. what                          D. which

7. The ……………… of the volcano was a terrible disaster.

              A. prediction             B. eruption                    C. cyclone                     D. shift

8. The number of people killed in the tsunami last year ……………… more than 200,000.

              A. were                     B. was                           C. is                               D. are

9.      The word ……………… means “big wind “in Chinese.

A. volcano                  B. tornado                     C. tsunami                     D. typhoon

10. The last tsunami caused a lot of ………………… to the countries along the Pacific coast.

              A. eruption                B. disasters                    C. violence                    D. damage

11. Can you ………………… what the weather will be like on the weekend?  

              A. announce              B. suggest                      C. predict                      D. warn

12. Every year, natural ……………… cause millions of dollars worth of damage.

              A. events                   B. accidents                   C. temperatures             D. disasters

13. The hurricane swept in …………………. without any warning.

              A. abruptly                B. slowly                       C. gradually                   D. softly

14. Nowadays scientists can ………………… us about the volcanic eruption.

              A. inform                  B. give                           C. warn                         D.  say

15. Many people were injured when the building ………………. .

              A. collapsed              B. destroyed                  C. struck                        D. erupted

16. ………………… is a sudden strong shaking of the ground.

              A. Flood                    B. Volcano                    C. Earthquake               D. Tidal wave

17. In Australia, a tropical storm is known as ………………….

              A. typhoon                B. hurricane                   C. cyclone                     D. earthquake

18. We need to fix the roof because there must be strong wind ……………….

              A. blow                     B. to blow                      C. blowing                     D. blew

19. There may be a power cut, so you need to buy ……………….. and matches.

              A. food                     B. candles                      C. blankets                    D. ladder

20. Pompeii was completely ………………… in AD 79 by an eruption of Mount Vesuvius

              A. destroyed              B. destruction                C. construct                   D. construction              

Exercise 2

1.              ……………… are funnel shaped storms which pass overland below a thunderstorm. 
A. Tornadoes         B. Tidal waves C. Typhoons    D. Volcanoes

2.              Scientists try to warn …………….. about natural disasters.
A. effect                B. effects                     C. effective      D. effectively

3.              I live in Dalat, ………… one of the most beautiful cities of Vietnam.
A. who                   B. which                      C. whom          D. whose

4.              He didn't have much money,................he bought a lot of things at the shop for Tet.
A. but                    B. or                            C. and              D. so

5.              I saw the girl............helped us last week.
A. which                B. whom                      C. who             D. whose

6.              I'm very...............of my father
A. pride                 B. proud                      C. proudly       D. proudliness

7.              We often go to the town
A. cultural              B. culture                     C. culturally     D. culturist

8.              He often takes part......................many different charity activities.
A. on                     B. of                            C. to                 D. in

9.              People crowded the streets on.............Day to watch colorful parades.
A. Nation               B. National                  C. Nationally   D. Nationality

10.          A: “Would you mind if I turn up the radio?” – “_____________”
A. All right             B. Yes, of course         C. Why not?    D. I’d rather you didn’t

11.          He is the...............and pride of his mother.
A. joy                    B. joyful                      C. joyfully       D. joylessness

12.          Do you know the Jack is driving?
A. who                   B. whom                      C. which          D. whose

13.          At last, I've found the information that I was looking...............
A. up                     B. at                             C. for               D. after

14.          Are you looking forward............Jane again?
A. seeing                B. to see                       C. see               D. to seeing

15.          They went on started to rain.
A. because             B. even though            C. but               D. despite

16.          Many people become.....................because of the natural disasters every year.
A. homeland          B. homesick                 C. homeless     D. homework

17.          There are many celebrations...............the year.
A in                       B. over                         C. on                D. throughout

18.          Ninety percent of .............. occur around the Pacific Rim.
A. earthquakes       B. typhoons                 C. tornadoes    D. thunderstorms

19.          The roof ................under the weight of snow last night.
A. collapse             B. collapsing                C. collapsed     D. collapses    


II. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in the following passage.

Exercise 1

            Almost a hundred thousand people were killed and half a million homes destroyed as a result of an earthquake in Tokyo in 1923. The earthquake began a minute before noon when the inhabitants of Tokyo (13) ______ their midday meals. Thousands of stoves were overturned as soon as the (14) _________ began to shake. As a result, small fires broke (15) _________ everywhere and quickly spread. The fire engines were prevented (16) ______ to help because many of the roads had cracked to open. It was impossible to use firefighting equipment as most of the water pipes had cracked.(17) _________, over ninety per cent of the damage was caused by fire rather than by collapse of building. Most of those (18)_________ were not killed in the earthquake itself but in the fires which followed. If the earthquake had occurred at night whole people were sleeping, far fewer would have died.

1.      A. cooked                    B. were cooking           C. would cook             D. had cooked

2.      A. earth                                    B. land                         C. floor                                    D. ground

3.      A. in                            B. on                            C. off                           D. out

4.      A. from going              B. to go                                    C. for going                 D. he went

5.      A. Frequently               B. Frequent                  C. Consequently          D. Consequent

6.      A. who died                B. died                                    C. they died                D. dying


Exercise 2

Drought is a condition that becomes (1) ………… the average rainfall for a fertile area drops far  (2) ……… the normal amount  for a long period of time. In areas which are not irritated, the lack of (3) ……… causes farm crops to wither and dead. Higher than normal temperatures usually accompany periods of drought. They add to the crop damage. Forests fires start (4) ……… during drought. The soil of a drought area becomes dry and crumbles. Often the rich topsoil is blown away (5) ……… the hot dry winds. Streams, ponds, and wells often dry up during a drought, and animals suffer and may even die (6) …………the lack of water..

1. A. when                         B. where                      C. what                                    D. who

2. A. below                                    B. under                       C. up                            D. down  

3. A. wind                          B. storm                       C. fog                          D. rain      

4. A. rare                           B. rarely                       C. easy                         D. easily       

5. A. on                             B. with                         C. by                            D. as 

6. A. and                            B. because of               C. however                  D. so

IV. Read the passage, then decide if the statements that follow it are True or False. 

            Almost a hundred thousand people were killed and half a million homes burnt to the ground because of an earthquake in Tokyo in 1923. The earthquake began a minute before noon when the inhabitants of Tokyo were cooking their midday meals. All the food and stoves fell onto the ground as soon as the earth began to shake. For this reason, small fires occurred and quickly spread. The fire trucks came to help 10 minutes late because many of the streets were too crowded the. As a result, more people were killed in the fire than by the collapse of buildings.

1.      Half a million homes were completely destroyed.                                                      

2.      The earthquake struck the city of Tokyo at 12 a.m                                                     

3.      The fire trucks arrived soon enough to fight the fire.                                                  

4.      The collapse of the buildings killed one hundred thousand people.                          

5.      In 1923 Tokyo was greatly damaged by

                  a. a tornado                 b. an earthquake                      c. a hurricane               d. a tidal wave

6.      Which is the best title of the passage

                  a. How was Tokyo city in 1923.                     b. The population of Tokyo city in 1923

                  c. A natural disaster in Tokyo city in 1923     d. How Tokyo city developed after the earthquake?


V. Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence .

Exercise 1


1. Despite the …………………… weather, thousands of soldiers helped protect the area. (storm).

  2. Galileo is one of the first ……………………studying astronomy. (science)                                   

  3. I don’t want to think of that …………………… accident.(disaster)                                               

  5. He is a young man with great …………………. (expect)

6. Three thousand people were made………………………by the earthquake. (home)

7. There are many different types of volcanic……………………….(erupt)

8. The most………………………earthquake in Japanese history killed about 150.000 people.(disaster)

9. The ending of the book was entirely………………………(predict)

10. Please buy some ……………………food.(can)

11.Tsunamis, earthquakes and typhoons are……………………disasters. (nature)

12. The sky is very……………………. It’s going to rain. (cloud)

13. ……………waves are one of the great forces of nature. They can be very dangerous to people. (tide)

14. All the children were……………………taken out of the building when the fire started.(safe)

15. The hurricane swept in……………………without any warning. (abrupt)

16. The ……………………of the earthquakes occur around the Pacific Rim. ( major)

17. This is a man who luckily escaped from a ……………………eruption last week.(volcano)

18. The terrible ……………………of the storm made thousand s of people homeless.( destroy)

19. The bicycle can be folded into a compact shape, it is called a……………………bicycle.(collapse)

20. She is keen on science. She has a……………………power of science.(predict)


Exercise 2


  1. There have been innumerable ……………………… eruptions in this region. (volcano)
  2. The problem is ……………………… complicated. Hardly anybody can deal with it. (extreme)
  3. Galileo is one of the first ………………………studying astronomy. (science)                       
  4. There have been more floods because of ……………………… (forest)
  5. I don’t want to think of that ………………………accident.(disaster)
  6. We can’t pass an exam without  ……………………… (prepare)
  7. Dust from the volcanic …………………has caused great trouble to aviation and tourism. (erupt)                                                                                                                   
  8. Thousands of people died in the ……………….. (disastrous)
  9. When a …………..storm reaches 120kilomaters per hour, it is called hurricane. (tropic)
  10. The ……………….of earthquakes in the world occur around the “Ring of Fire” (erupt)
  11. I’m very ………………….from my twin girl. (difference)
  12. A lot of people and buildings were carried along on the ……………..wave. (tidal)
  13. Vietnam is rich in ……………….resources. (nature)
  14. The original disks are locked away ………………(safe)
  15. The house was ………………….quiet. (strange)
  16. I’m ………………of going out alone at night. (scare)
  17. …………….., the typhoon didn’t cause any damage on the village. (luck)
  18. The ………………..can know when a volcano will erupt nowadays. (science)


VI. Use the correct form of the verb given in each sentence .


  1. We wish our father ……………….here now. (be)
  2. He spent a lot of time…………….computer games. (play)
  3. He had the mechanic ………………..his car. (repair)
  4. It took him twenty minutes …………… his office by bus. (go)
  5. The streets ……………….after the storm last night. (clean)
  6. I asked her how many children she ………..   (have)
  7. He’s very tired. He ……………… his office all day. (work)
  8. This is the first time they ……………….to London . (be)


 VII. Rewrite each of the following sentences in another way so that it means almost the same as the sentence printed before it.


1.      Have you ever spoken to the people? They live next door.  
 Have you………………………………………………………………………………………

2.      It’s the book. It will interest children of all ages.  
 It's the book……………………………………………………………………………………..

3.      The Pikes keep having all- night parties. They live next door.  
 The Pikes………………………………………………………………………………………

4.       People live longer. They take physical exercise.    People…………………………………………………………………………………………

5.       Tom and Peter didn’t come. They were invited.

ÚTom and…………………………………………………………………………………………

6.      Paris is the city. I’ve always wanted to visit it. 
Ú Paris is …………………………………………………………………………………………

7.      Mrs. White has just had her second baby. She’s been married for 4 years. 
ÚMrs. White……………………………………………………………………………………

8.      The woman has died. She gave me this novel.

ÚThe Woman…………………………………………………………………………………


  1. The student gets the scholarship. He is very poor.

àThe student who …………………………………………………………………………………..

  1. The building was destroyed in the fire. It has been now rebuilt.

      à The building ………………………………………………………………………………………

3.      I bought a new typewrite. It cost me a lot of money.

à I bought …………………………………………………………………………………………..

  1. Edison was a great scientist. He invented the electric light bulb.

à Edison, ……………………………………………………………………………………………

  1. The man is Mr. Tan. He is wearing a blue shirt.

à The man……………………………………………………………………………………………

  1. Dr. John lost his position. He hasn’t done his job well recently.

à Dr. John,……………………………………………………………………………………………

  1. They are repairing the house. They bought it in July.

à They are……………………………………………………………………………………………

8.  We bought a very high-qualified cooker at Nguyen Kim supermarket yesterday.

à The cooker …………………………………………………………………………………………

  1. I have forgotten that director’s name, but he is very famous.

à That director, ………………………………………………………………………………………

  1. We spent our vacation in a nice city.

à The city…………………………………………………………………………………….………




1.      are different words / Typhoon, hurricane / for the same / and tropical storms/ natural disaster/./

2.      the world’s largest / 50 years/ It was / volcanic eruption / in more than/./

3.      which is  / ,erupted in 1991 / Mount Pinatubo, / in the Philippines / a volcano/./

4.      is Kobe/ was struck / which  / in 1995 / huge earthquake / A city / by a/./

5.      is my / sings well / Mrs. Lien, / who / English teacher / ,  /


                                                                 END OF THE EXERCISE



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