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20/04/2020 18:46:05

Correct tenses : she [cry] excitedly when she [hear] the news

Correct tenses 1 she [cry] excitedly when she [hear] the news 2 this is the first time she [see] rice paddies 3 it is interesting [travel] around Vietnam 4 the boy[take] to the hospital was injured in the accident 5 the boy [sit] next to me was very nervous 6 I'd like you [meet] my mother 7 he suggested [travel] around the town by bike 8 everyone [touch] that wire will get a shock 9 I [allow] to sit here? 10 you [come] to me in five minutes? Building sentences 1 While/ read/ book 3 How/visit/? 3 the second time/he 4 English and French/speak/ Canada 5 This /make/ China 6 they /know/ each/for 7 How/often/animals/feed/? 8 Chinese' not/ teach/ this school 9 I /give/ a /new/ yesterday 10 He /tell/ would Fill in the blanks 1 how ......going..... see a .....? 2 This .....the .....time, we .....seen that show 3 .....you ......if I open .... ......? 4 The book... being written .... Mr. John ..... 5 he .....a .....exciting soccer with ....family last ..... 6 .....you like.....do it .....us? 7 who sent....this email.....you? 8 Nobody .....used this room ....years 9 he painted this picture ...... ..... ....... 10 I .....looking forward.....hearing .....you.

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