Lalisa_2703 | Chat Online
09/05/2020 20:21:17

Put the verb in brackets into the simpleor past progressive

I. Put the verb in brackets into the simple or past progressive:
  1.  At this time last Sunday, they (play)......... soccer.
  2. What ...... you (do)..... at 8 o'clock  last night? - I (listen)...... to music
  3. Mr.Lam (work)....... in the library when he phone rang.
  4. Of couse I know them. They (live)....... next door to me some years ago.
  5. The children (play)........ tennis when it (start)......... raining.
  6. My cousin and I (watch).......  a film on TV last night when my brother (come)....... He (watch)...... the end of the film with us.
  7. I (practice)............ speaking English while my sister (play)........... with toys.
  8. Brad (leave)......... Bac Giang last Sunday.
  9. When I (come)......., they (talk)........ about the show on TV.
 10. The dog (attrack)........ Mr. Pitt when he (walk)...... along quietly.

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