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14/09/2020 16:43:06

Read the passage and write T or F

I. Read the passage and write T or F
The second Sunday in May is Mother’s Day. It is a public holiday in both Britain and America. On that day, children send Mother’s Day cards to their mothers. They give their mothers flowers or sweets as presents. Fathers and children do the cooking so that mothers can have a rest.
In the USA, Mother’s Day started in 1860s.. There was a small town called Pruntytown in the middle of the USA. People in the town fought against each other during a war. After the war, they hated each other. Mrs Ann Reeves Janis wanted the people to make friends with each other again. So she started “Mother’s Friendship Day”. On that day, she visited all the other mothers in the town and said, “Let us be friends with each other again”.
Her idea succeeded. The same thing happened in other parts of the country. After she died, her daughter carried on her idea. In 1908, “Mother’s Friendship Day” became “Mother’s Day”.
1. Mother's day is celebrated on the second Sunday in May
2. Flowers or sweets are often sent to the mother as presents
3. in 1860, "Mother's friendship day " became " Mother's Day"
4. Mrs.Ann Reeves Janis's idea stopped after she died

II. chosse the best answer among A, B, C or D
1. A:" Thank you very much."      B:" ................................"
A. You are welcom.    B. Don't mention it    C. That's good!   D. A & B are correct 
2. We haven't kept in touch with each other .................
A. since 6 months   B. for 6 months   C. 6 years ago   D. over 6 months
3. this test must be done ...........
A. care   B. carefull   C. carefully   D. none is correct
4. flower........love
A. symbol   B. symbolize    C. symbolizes    D. symbolization
5. cattle and sheep are grazing in the ..............
A. rivers    B. Meadows      C. bridges         D. fields

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