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21/12/2020 19:41:00

Read the following letter and choose the best answer to each question

Question VIII. Read the following letter and choose the best answer to each
question. Write your answers in the space provided.(10pts)
Dear Editor,
I am writing with regards to the article "Is the TV Dead?" that appeared in your
newspaper on the fourth of March. The author claimed that with the rise of the
Internet, the TV was becoming less and less significant in our lives.
I find it very difficult to agree with this view. The TV is still the main way most of us
get our entertainment at home. It offers us the chance to see top musical artists, great
films and documentaries and occasionally, thanks to important televised events, it has
the power to bring the whole nation and all ages together in a way the Internet never
Your article was particularly critical of the TV for the poor quality of programmes
available on the many channels we now have. It is certainly true that many of the
channels offer nothing more than repeats or low budget programmes. However, I
would argue that the majority of content on the Internet is also of questionable

quality. I agree with the writer that it is easy to keep up-to-date with the latest news on
the Internet, but I’m sure most of us still enjoy sitting down to the News on TV in the
evening just as much.
The writer is correct in stating that the Internet has become our major source for
research and I think this is its main strength. However, criticising the TV for not being
as good is totally unfair. Information programmes like documentaries are made for
their potential as entertainment not as research tools and as such will continue to be
popular with viewers.
So in conclusion I don’t think the writer should be so quick to write the TV off. On the
contrary, I think it has many more years left in it!
Yours sincerely,
Samantha Johnson
1. Why is the person writing this letter to the newspaper?
A. to make a complaint B. to offer a different point of view
C. to encourage people to watch more TV D. to persuade people to not use the
2. What do we learn about the writer’s opinion of TV?
A. It is useful as a reference tool B. It is excellent entertainment
C. It is suffering because of the Internet D. The quality of programmes is a
3. Which of the following is seen as a problem with TV?
A. the quality of some of the programmes B. the lack of entertainment
C. its poor use as a reference tool D. its unpopularity with younger
4. What does the writer think is the best use of the Internet?
A. to buy products B. to be entertained C. to get the latest news D. to find
things out
5. Which of the following words describes how the writer feels about TV?
A. pleased B. excited C. confused D. worried

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