Nguyễn Hà Anh | Chat Online
16/02/2021 15:34:42

Rewrite the following sentences in passive voice ( Viết câu bị động). They reconstructed the temple in 1903

Exercise 3. Rewrite the following sentences in passive voice ( Viết câu bị động)

1. They reconstructed the temple in 1903. …………………………………………………………

2. Thousands of people visit Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum everyday


3. I don't invite her to my birthday party


4. They built the Khue Van Pavilion inside the Temple of Literature


5. Why do many students visit the Temple of Literature before their exams?


6. The government hasn’t changed the regulation


7. Bad weather has delayed Flight 202 from Miami


8. .They haven’t used this machine for ages


9. .Has the council postponed the meeting?


10. We haven’t finished our homework yet


11. Someone has given him a lot of money


12. They have cancelled the flight because of the rain


13. We have invited all the students to the meeting


14. I have told her about it


15. The film has disappointed us very much


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