I. Mark the stress for the following words, then complete the sentences.
Japanese addressee Vietnamese adoptee Portuguese trainee referee
employee Refugees escapees Cantonese examinee
1.The__________ name was spelled incorrectly on the letter. 2. Her boss thinks she is a hard-working__________. 3. The__________ are the people of the Guangdong region in the South of China. 4. The__________ whistled and the game was over. 5. Thousands of__________ have entered the camps along the borders in recent days. 6. The__________ kimono is one of the world’s recognizable traditional garments. 7. A Vietnamese male__________ has found his biological parents. 8. The__________ had only just finished the test when the bell rang. 9. Susan has lived in Hanoi for a year and she is studying__________. 10. A__________ teacher showed the children what to do. 11. __________ is the national language of Brazil. 12. The__________ were recaptured after three days on the run.