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20/04/2021 20:32:34

My husband and I had a problem about our holiday last year. I wanted to have a lazy seaside holiday because I was tired and needed to relax

My husband and I had a problem about our holiday last year. I wanted to have a lazy seaside holiday because I was tired and needed to relax. I loved lying in the sun, drinking iced beer and reading a good book. But Robert liked busy, cultural holidays. He liked visiting museums and art galleries. He hated sunbathing because he always went red, not brown. The travel agent tried to help us and suggested Greece. I said I love to sail to a quiet island, but of course Robert said he’d like to stay in Athens. It was easy to decide what to do, we flew to Athens together, Robert stayed there and I traveled to the island of Kos!
36.What is the passage written about?
A. a trip to Greece
B. a lazy seaside holiday
C. a busy cultural holiday
D. a problem about the holiday
37. The author ________________.
A. liked sunbathing
B. was tired and needed to relax
C. liked a busy cultural holiday
D. a & b are correct
38. What does the word ‘island’ in line 5 mean?
A. a piece of land with water all around it
B. a place in a desert that has trees and water
C. a high piece of land that is not as high as a mountain
D. a big area of salty water
39. Robert wanted ________________.
A. to stay in Athens
B. sunbathing
C. drinking iced beer
D. lazy seaside holidays
40. Kos is ________________.
A. a town in Athens
B. a city in Greece
C. an island
D. a place which has many island
41. Robert wasn't keen on ______________
A. sunbathing
B. visiting museums and art galleries
C. búy, cultural holiday
D. C & D are correct

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