Lee Dong-wook | Chat Online
24/04/2021 20:10:42

They can't go hiking with us this Sunday

Bài 9
1.They can't go hiking with us this Sunday
We wish
2.Because I felt very tired,I went to bed early
I felt tired
3.What a pity your sister can't come to the party
If only
4.''Why don't we go out for a while?''he said
He suggested
5.He ate too much,so he had a stomachache
He had a stomachache
6.Since he was ill,he didn't go to school yesterday
He didn't go to school yesterday
7.''Why don't you go to the dentist,Tom?''
Mary suggested Tom
8.''Where are you going?''he asked her
He asked
9.The flat is too small for my family
The flat isn't
10.Peter was too ill to get up
Peter is so
11.Jane is older than Mary
Mary is

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