Many people dream of living in a foreign country . It can be an amazinh experience for those (1) are willing to settle down in a new place . (2) , there's one potential problem you shoulf be aware: Culture shock. Culture shock is the feeling we get from living in s place that is so different to where we grew up that we are not sure (3) to deal with it . Societies are (4) in many different ways, and we can often be taken aback by somr of the things we find in fireign countried. Customs and traditions can be very different anf that can sometimes take it difficult to get on with local people who might not approve og things you do and might object to things you say. You might be banef from doing things in another country that are perfecty legal in your own. For example, im singapore pheople can be forced (5) a large fine just dropping rubbish. Eventually , though , most people whoblive abrosd fall in love with their adopted country and learn to sccept its differrnce