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01/06/2021 23:13:04

Tìm một từ thích hợp để điền vào mỗi chỗ trống có đánh số để hoàn chỉnh văn bản sau

III. Tìm một từ thích hợp để điền vào mỗi chỗ trống có đánh số để hoàn chỉnh văn bản sau. (1.0p) Family types vary in different countries and among different cultures. In Western, industrialized societies, the nuclear family is the most common family type. It (1) ______ of a father, a mother and their children. But nuclear families exist alongside many other types of family units. In the single-parent family, for example, a mother or a father heads the family alone. A blended family isformed (2) ______ a divorced or widowed parent remarries. As divorce rates have risen, the (3) ______ of single-parent and blended families has increased. In many parts of the world, parents and children live together with other family members (4) ______ the same roof. These complex families usually contain several (5) ______ of family members, including grandparents, parents and children. They may also include brothers or sisters and their families, uncles, aunts and cousins. Even when relatives do not live together, they still consider themselves members of the same extended family

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