Thuyy Tram | Chat Online
21/06/2021 19:33:07

Put the verbs in parentheses in the correct tense

1. Jeff feels very lonely at his boarding school. He wishes he.... (be) at home with his family. 
2. You're watching too much TV. I wish you .....(will spend) more time studying
3. If only I... (be) as strong as you are!
4. I wish I...... (can work) as hard as you do
5.Thao is very reserved. I wish she .... (not be)  more friendly
6. I was rude to my friend yesterday. I wish I... (not be) so rude to her yesterday
7. I didn't even answer her phone. I wish I... (talk) to her on the phone
8. She was angry because I didn't tell her the truth. If only I ....(tell) her the truth.

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