trieuminhlinh | Chat Online
21/06/2021 22:25:34

Read the passage and answer the questions. What do you need for a string telephone?

Read the passage and answer the questions

A week ago we talked to our friends in another class. We didn‘t have a telephone. So we made one. What do you need for a string telephone? You need two small tins and some string. That‘s all. How did we make the telephone? First, we cut the tops of the tins. Then we punched a hole in the bottom of each tin.

What did we do next? We put one end of the string through the hole in one tin. We tied a big knot. Then we put the string through the other hole and tied the other knot. The teacher said: “ Now you have a string telephone! Let‘s try it”. We opened the window of our room. Tom called Bill in the other room; “Open your window and catch this tin. I‘m going to throw it”.

Then Tom talked into the telephone to Bill, Bill listened. But nothing happened! Tom talked again, but Bill didn‘t hear him. He tried again. Again nothing happened. “ Wait a minute”, our teacher said. “Let‘s look at our telephone. Perhaps something‘s wrong”. We looked at the telephone. Something was wrong. The string was touching the window. We tried again. The students watched and waited. The teacher watched too. Again Tom talked to Bill. This time Bill laughed and shouted, “I hear you! I hear you!” Our telephone worked in the end.


21. What do you need for a string telephone?


22. What did they do with the top and bottom of each tin?


23. What did they do with each end of the string?


24. Who was Tom going to throw one of the tins to?


25. What was wrong with the telephone?


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