Lucy Đỗ | Chat Online
25/06/2021 07:00:39

The world’s (1) ____ famous clock is Big Ben standing

The world’s (1) ......................... famous clock is Big Ben standing (2) ......................... to the Houses of Parliament in
Big Ben is the (3) ......................... of the bell which chimes every hour. The (4)......................... was named after Sir
Benjamin Hall, the man who (5) ......................... given the task of hauling the bell up the clock tower.
The clock (6) ......................... four faces and keeps accurate time. It can (7) ......................... adjusted by the removal or
addition of coins (8) ......................... a stray attacked to the clock’s pendulum.
One interesting thing about the clock (9) .........................that the light shines above the belfry at night, it (10)
......................... that the Houses of Common is still in session.

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