DIO ZA WARUDO | Chat Online
01/07/2021 16:53:18

Viết lại câu sau

Viết lại câu sau
1.Traveling around the country,he took lots of photos
2.There was no precedent for king's resignation
3.Our neighbor has never visited us into this house
-->Not once
4.She hasn't written to me since she left the city
-->Not once
5.World goverment will begin to act only when the famine gets worse
-->Only when
6.If you want to save your eyesight, we must operate immediately
-->Only by
7.There are more people out of work in the country than ever before
-->Never have
8. I have never been to Liverpool in my life
-->Never in my life
9.I have been to Moscow only once
-->Only once
10.Thx bro

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