Hannh | Chat Online
24/07/2021 08:59:44

'' can you buy me some soap on the way home?'' My mother asked my brother

20. '' can you buy me some soap on the way home?'' My mother asked my brother
21. '' Do you see somebode using my book?'' Lan asked Thu
22. '' Can these athletes swim across the river?'' Phong asked Ba
23. '' Will our class take part in that competition ?'' Lam asked Lan
24. ''  Will the students in grade 9 have their final exam in May'' Phong asked his teacher
25, '' May I use your dictionari for a moment?'' Mai asked Hoa
26.'' Will you go to Ha Noi next month?'' I asked them
27. '' Is there any imformation about the flinght to Ha Noi''? I asked Mr.Hoang
28. He said '' I can fix the pipes''
29. '' Where are you going next week?'' An said to Hanh
30. '' Is the Golden Gate Bridge in san Francisco''? Hoa said to Tim

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