Nhu Pham | Chat Online
27/07/2021 21:32:09

Read the passage and answer the questions below

Read the passage and answer the questions below.
One major advantage with the usc of renewable eneruy is thut as it is renewable herefore is sustamable and so will never run oul. Renewable energy facilities generally rev ire less ointensance than traditional generators. Their fuel being derived from natural and vailable cuurces reduces the costs of operation. Even more importantly, renewabie energy roduces nle or no waste products such as carbon diovide or other chemical pollutant so has minimal inpact oni the environment.
ht is easy to recognize the envinommemial atamtages of silling the aleert ve and enewahle forms of energy but we must alto be aware of the disadvantages. One diudvantage with renewahle cnergy is that it is dinicult to generate the quar litics of doctricity that are as large as those produced by traditionai fossil fuel generators. Tlis may ncan that we need to roduce the amount of enerey we ose or simply build mor energy facilties. It also indicates that the hest solution to our cnengy probiets nay be to have a balince of many different power scturces. Hydro geocrators need rain to fill dams ho supply fowing water. Wind turbines riced wind to turn the bindes, and solar collectors ied clean kies and sunshinc to coleet heat and make checmcsy Asother ad antage of teneabio emergy souirces is the reliabhility of supply. Renewable enersy oftien relies on the we iher for s source of power. The curent cost of rencwable energy iechinology is also far in crcess of raditional fossil fucel gencration. This is becanse it is a new techology and as snch has ainemels large capital cost
1. What is the most important adyantage of resewablie tesurces?
2. Which is les expensive to opcratc, nn-renewable or teniewable cnergy? Why
3. What docs wind enersy need to generale po er?
. Why is the total cost of tenewahle energy technology iar more than that of foou fucis
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