Rin Rin | Chat Online
13/08/2021 11:09:59

Complete the sentences with the correct word

Complete the sentences with the correct word.


1.      We ate (quickly/quick) and ran to the theatre

2.      We had a (quick/quickly) dinner and ran to the theatre

3.      I’ve always found Fred to be a (polite/politely) person

4.      He responded to my questions (polite/politely)

5.      The audience booed the actors’ (bad/badly) performance.

6.      The audience booed and whistled because the actors performed (bad/badly) throughout the show

7.      Many birds fly long distances in their (annual/annually) migration to a warm climate in winter.

8.      Many birds migrate (annual/annually) to a warm climate in winter

9.      A (gentle/gently) breeze touched my face

10.  A breeze (gentle/gently) touched my face


11.  The floor looks (clean/cleanly)

12.  The bear climbed (slow/slowly) up the tree

13.  The plane landed (safe/safely) on the runway

14.  When the wind started to blow, I grew (anxious/anxiously)

15.  This list of names appears (complete/completely). No more names need to be added

16.  The crowd yelled (wild/wildly) when we scored a goal

17.  The merchant looked (honest/honestly), but she wasn’t. I discovered when I got home that she had cheated me

18.  Jane looked at her book (thoughtful/thoughtfully) before she answered the teacher’s question

19.  The contract offer sounded (fair/fairly) to me, so I accepted the job

20.  Jim felt (terrible/terribly) about forgetting his son’s birthday.

21.  As dawn approached, the sky became (light/lightly)

22.  Beth spoke (confident/confidently) when she delivered her speech

23.  The actor became (famous/famously) throughout much of the world

24.  I don’t think this milk is spoiled. It tastes (fine/finely) to me.

25.  Most of the students did (good/well) on their tests.


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