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14/08/2021 10:08:14


NEW OPPORTUNITIES WITH AN OPEN UNIVERSITY DEGREE Like any other university , the Open University can ( 0 )_chọn rồi_ you a degree . However , you don't have to ( 26 ) ..... working to study . It can also open up a whole variety ( 27 ) ... ..... interests . If you have ( 28 ) ______studied before , you will enjoy the special , new pleasure of ( 29 ) ......... your knowledge . You will make friends of ( 30 ) ...... kinds . You may also ( 31 )________ that your qualification provides new career opportunities . You don't actually ( 32 ) ............ to the Open University for lectures , but study at home , using television , radio and computer software . You can ( 33 ) ... one class a month if you wish at an Open University centre . Of course , there are exams to take , as in ( 34 )_____ university . If you ( 35 )_____ like to know more , all you have to do is complete the form below . It could be the start of a wonderful new period in your life .
0 (A. give )B. take. C.sell D. buy
26 A .stop B. end C. break D. leave
27 A. from B .of C. in D. for
 28 A .ever B. never C. often D .always
29 A. growing B. changing C .adding D. increasing
30 A. all B. each C. both D. every
 31 A .suggest B. find C. wish D. want
32 A. join B. enter C.arrive D. go
33 A .give B .attend C.learn D.study
 34 A .any B .some C. many D .most
 35 A.did B .will C. would D .can
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