Trương Trân | Chat Online
18/08/2021 12:47:45

Viết lại câu

31. You do any job, you should do it devotedly.
=> Whatever ....................................................................................................

32. Although his English was good, he wasn’t chosen.
=> However......................................................................................

33. Even though I admire his courage, I think he is a foolish.
=> Much...........................................................................................

34. You can use it as long as you like, and it won’t wear out.
=> No matter..........................................................................................

35. Although Judy was severely disabled, she participated in many sports.
=> Despite........................................................................................

36. However friendly he seems, he’s not to be trusted.
=> Friendly.......................................................................................

37. I admit he’s clever, but I don’t think he’ll this problem.
=> Clever..........................................................................................

38. She never comes to the office on time although she gets up so early.
=> No matter..........................................................................................

39. He had enjoyed the lively company of his friends in Edinburgh. All the same, his work, he felt, demanded solitude.

=> Much as.................................................................................................

40. Come and sit down, whoever you are.
=> It doesn’t matter..........................................................................................

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