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19/08/2021 21:23:11

Read the text and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each of the gaps: Line Dancing. Thousands of people in Britain have a new hobby - Line Dancing

V. Read the text and choose the correct answer A, B, c or D for each of the gaps.

Line Dancing

Thousands of people in Britain have a new hobby - Line Dancing. In almost (31) ______town, you will find clubs and classes for this new activity.

“Line Dancing is easy to learn. If you has two feet and can walk, then you can do it !” Fiona Lever, a teacher,(32) ______. “You don’t need a partner because you dance(33) ______groups. It’s the(34) ______way to make new friends. In my classes,(35) ______are young and old people.

The boys like it because they can make a lot of noise of their feet(36) ______ the dance !”. When(37) ______ line dancing begin ? Most of people(38) ______it started about fifteen years(39) ______when America country music became famous(40) ______Britain.


31. A. all

B. some

C. much

D. every


32. A. say



D. said


33. A. at

B. to

C. in

D. for


34. A. best

B. better

C. good

D. well


35. A. here

B. their


D. there


36. A. during

B. across

C. among

D. between


37. A. has

B. is

C. did

D. was


38. A. think

B. thought

C. thinks

D. thinking


39. A. after

B. ago

C. since

D. for


40. A. on

B. for

C. at

D. In


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