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20/08/2021 13:51:20

Đọc đoạn văn và trả lời câu hỏi: Isaac Newton was one of the greatest men in the history of scientists. He was born in a small village of Wootsphore in England. His father was a poor farmer

Isaac Newton was one of the greatest men in the history of scientists. He was born in a small village of Wootsphore in England. His father was a poor farmer. When the boy was fourteen, his father died. Newton left school and helped his mother on the farm. But the boy didn’t like farming, he was fond of poetry and mathematics. So Newton was sent to school. After he left school, Newton studied at Cambridge University. He lectured on mathematics at Cambridge University after graduating. His greatest discovery was the law of gravitation.

Questions :

1.Where was Icaac Newton born ?

2.What did his father do ?

3.When did he leave school ?

4.Did he like farming ?

5.What did he discover ?

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