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23/08/2021 21:03:34

Rewrite the sentences

11,Hoa has read that book lately.

12. Mai phoned Tu Linh last Sunday.

13, Dao cleans the floor every day.

14. Binh should not smoke cigarettes.

15. Khanh is drinking lemonade in the canteen.

16. Thanh Quan has watched that film.

17. Nga can make a birthcake.

18. Giao is correcting her homework now.

19. Thuan Anh will buy some sugar tomorrow.

20. Today Viet plays chess with his friends.

21. Last week Ngoc met her friend there.

22. At the moment Tran is cooking rice in the kitchen.

23. Next month Ai Nhi will win a prize.

24. Now To Quyen is doing her exercises.

25. Thien Son was washing his clothes then.

26. In HCMC Yen Phi saw a lot of interesting places.


27. In Tay Ninh Tuong Linh took a cable car up to the mountain.

28. Nhu is peeling some vegetables now.

29. Hai Tam borrowed some books in the library.

30. My Van has erased the stain on the table.

31. The doctor has saved two patients recently.

32. Minh may eat the apple in the fridge.

33. The story surprised us then.

34. Mr Anh has trapped fifteen mice up to now.

35. Sang has visited that pagoda.

36. Tu Linh does not drink tea.

37. Mai did not bring her books last time.

38. Thanh Quan can not carry that case now.

39. Nam Anh is not raising some chickens.

40. My Vi was not reading her novel then.

II. Chia động từ

1. Tree (cut) down

2. They (take) to the paper mill now

3. The bark (remove) yesterday

4. The wood (break) into small chips

5. The chips (mix) with water

6. The mixture (make) into pulp

7. Chemicals (add) to the mixture

8. The pulp (press) by rollers to remove the water

9. The paper (dry) by not rollers

10. The tolls of paper (send) to factories new paper offices

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