aNH | Chat Online
25/08/2021 15:17:20

1. I am………….milk every day used to drink. 2. She has………….in a small village got used ..

1. I am………….milk every day.

a         used to drink

· b        used to drinking

·   c      use to drink

2. She has………….in a small village.

·     a    got used to

·       b  get used to

·         c   got used

3. When I was a child, I didn’t……………chocolate but now I eat a lot.

·  a       use to eating

·    b     use to eat

·    c     used to eat

4. You must…………….English for long hours.

·    a     used to learning

·   b      used learn

·   c      use to learn

5. I have……………….English every day.

· a        use to learn

· b        used to learning

·  c       used learning

6. I am……………..for myself.

·  a       used to cook

·    b     used to cooking

·   c      use to cook

7. Her son is…………television for five hours a day.

·   a      used to watch

·    b     used to watching

·    c     used watch

8. I……………….a big chocolate cake a day but I stopped three years ago.

·    a     used to eat

·      b   used to eating

·      c   used eat

9. I am…………..a cup of coffee in the morning.

·  a       used drink

·    b     use drinking

·  c       used to drinking

10. Peter……………a bike, now he has a car.

·    a     used to having

·      b   used to have

·     c    used having

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