Minh Trần Vũ | Chat Online
26/08/2021 11:44:12

Use ONE suitable word to fill in each blank to complete the reportabout a summer vacation in Thailand

Bai 1.Use ONE suitable word to fill in each blank to complete the report
about a summer vacation in Thailand.

We went to Thailand for our summer vacation last year. We (0) were

very excited. It (1)....
our first trip there. We spent a week in
Bangkok and (2)......something different every day.Wegot a
river bus to the floating (3).......
We bought some fresh fruit
there. Another day we went to a very interesting (4)......
calledthe Temple of the Enerald Buddha. We (5)......
have time to visit any other temples. However. Both (6).....
really interesting ruins

. Everything (7)_......great.It is(8)......to say what was the best thing about the trip.
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