Nguyễn Linh | Chat Online
15/09/2021 10:07:35

Circle the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences

Bài 8: Circle the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences:
10  My dad doesn’t mind…………… my mom from work every day.

          A. pick up            B. picked up                  C. picking up       D. picks up

11. The University of Indochina .  .  .  .  . in Ha Noi in 1906.

          A. built       B. was built                             C. has built           D. has been built

12. Last year, we participated in .  .  .  .  . funds for street children.

          A. raising             B. making                      C. gathering                   D. taking

13. The doctor says my father will become ill .  .  .  .  . he stops smoking.

          A. until                 B. when                         C. unless              D. if

14. We .  .  .  .  . to school two years ago. Now I go to school on foot.

          A. used to cycle    B. cycled                        C. was cycling      D. went

15. .  .  .  .  . the silly story, many people enjoyed the film.

          A. Although                   B. Inspite of                   C. However          D. Nevertheless

16. A friend of .  .  .  .  . is coming to stay with me next month.

          A. me                             B. my                             C. I                       D. mine

17. Traffic accidents can be prevented if people .  .  .  .  . the rules.

          A. remember        B. obey                 C. go after            D. take care of

18. I’m sure you’ll find the film .  .  .  .  .

          A. amuse              B. amusing           C. amused            D. amusement

19. Vanilla Sky .  .  .  .  .  Tom Cruise, Peslelope Cruz and Cameron Diaz.

          A. acts                  B. plays                         C. stars                 D. does

20. Give a .  .  .  .  .  before you turn left or right.

          A. sign                  B. turn                           C. sound               D. signal

21. On Thanhksgiving, families and friends .  .  .  .  . to have a feast.

          A. meet                 B. arrive                         C. gather              D. appear

22. The end of the film was so .  .  .  .  .

          A. moved             B. moving                      C. move                D. moveable

23. Look at the photo! You’re .  .  .  .  . a horse!

          A. driving             B. flying                         C. riding               D. lying

24. At 7:00 tomorrow, you .  .  .  .  . to school.

          A. cycle                B. will cycle                   C. will be cycling  D. will be cycled

25. In the green future, vehicles will be powered by .  .  .  .  .

          A. solar energy     B. coal                           C. gas                             D. fuel
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