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17/09/2021 08:59:36

Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write BETWEEN TWO AND FIVE WORDS in each gap

Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write BETWEEN TWO AND FIVE WORDS in each gap.

1. I should have gone to the dentist this afternoon but I didn't remember. forgot

I ... the dentist this morning.

2. I must  attend class later. remember

I ...  class later. 

3. It was not my intention to leave you waiting for two hours. I'm really sorry. mean

I...  you waiting for two yours. I'm sorry.

4. I'm sorry to inform you that your loan hasn't been approved by the bank. regret

I ... your loan hasn't been approved by the bank. 

5. The teacher made the students tidy the whole classroom before they could go out and play. made

The students ... the whole classroom before they could go out and play.

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