Rin Rin | Chat Online
19/09/2021 11:25:47

Fill in each gap with an appropriate word to complete the passage

Fill in each gap with an appropriate word to complete the passage
From an academic perspective, many schools………………………… started teaching subjects using
computers. We can see that each student brings ………………………… him a laptop to write some
notes …………………………the lecture, share information and …………………………research.
Scientists say that computers ………………………… be the main stuff in the future. People will not
live ………………………… them. Provided that a child has skills using PC in the right way, it will
help ………………………… in the future.
Children are not developing themselves sitting ………………………… the computers. Parents should
be careful and always look …………………………them, permit them to play PC if it is necessary.
Anyway, they will be learnt in the future. Children should be very ………………………… to the
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