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25/09/2021 15:14:43

Choose the word or phrase A, B, C or D that best completes the sentence

I. Choose the word or phrase A, B, C or D that best completes the sentence:

1. No one is better cook than his mother, ______? A. is she B. isn’t she C. are they D. aren’t they

2. Do it right now, ______? A. will you B. shall you C. do you D. don’t you

3. There are no easy ways to learn a foreign language, _______? A. are they B. are there C. aren’t they D. aren’t there

4. He seldom goes to the library, ______? A. doesn’t he B. is he C. does he D. isn’t he

5. Let’s go for a long walk, ______? A. will we B. shall we C .don’t you D. do you

6. I think he will join us, _____? A. doesn’t he B. won’t he C. will he D. don’t I

7. The film is good, _______________?

A. is it B. are they C. isn’t it D. aren’t they

8. You are going to the party, ____________?

A. is you B. are you C. aren’t you D. were you

9. He can speak English, _________________ ?

A. can he B. can’t he C. can’t him D. could he

10. You don’t know him,__________________ ?

A. do you B. don’t you C. are you D. aren’t you

11. Lan speaks Chinese very well, __________?

A. does she B. doesn’t she C. is she D. was she

12. John has worked hard, _________________?

A. does he B. did he C. has he D. hasn’t he

13. They invited him to the party, ___________?

A. do they B. don’t they C. did they D. didn’t they

14. They are leaving here tomorrow________?

A. do they B. are they C. aren’t they D. did they

15. I’m a bit late, ______? A. am not I B. aren’t you C. are you D. aren’t I

16. No one is indifferent to praise, ______? A. is one B. isn’t one C. is he D. are they

17. Somebody has left these socks on the bathroom floor, ______? A. have they B. haven’t they C. has he D. hasn’t he

18. James owns a restaurant, ______? A. does he B. is he C. doesn’t he D. didn’t he

19. You aren’t too busy to talk, ______? A. are you B. have you C. aren’t D. do you

20. The ticket to London doesn’t cost a lot, ______? A. do they B. does it C. is it D. isn’t it

21. You don’t need me any more, ______? A. do I B. don’t I C. do you D. don’t you

22. Nobody knows who invited the wheel, ______? A. do they B. don’t they C. does it D. doesn’t it

23. Harry was working in Bristol then, ______? A. was Harry B. wasn’t he C. was he D. didn’t he

24. You’ll be home before midnight, ______? A. will you B .won’t you C. are you D. won’t you be

25. David is bringing some wine, ______? A. is he B. isn’t he C. is David D. isn’t David

26. Don’t leave anything behind, ______? A. do you B. don’t you C. will you D. shall we

27. That isn’t Bill driving, ______? A. is it B. is that C. isn’t that D. isn’t it

28. Nobody likes the play, __________?

A. do they B. don’t they C. didn’t they D. did they

29. The children can read English, __________?

A. can’t they B. can they C. they can D. they can’t

30. Your grandfather was a millionaire, ______?

A. was he B. is he C. wasn’t he D. isn’t he

31. Your brother’s here, ______?

A. is he B. are he C. isn’t he D. aren’t he

32. That was Ann on the phone, ______?

A. was it B. was that C. wasn’t that D. wasn’t it

33. Tom didn't see her, ______?

A. did Tom B. did he C. do Tom D. does he

34. Mary wasn't angry, ______?

A. was she B. is she C. wasn’t she D. was Mary

35. Susan doesn't like oysters, ______?

A. did she B. does she C. doesn’t she D. she does

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