Hoàng Gia Minh | Chat Online
27/09/2021 15:41:22

Complete the sentence with an appropriate modal verb

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
3 Complete the sentence with an appropriate modal verb.
a She speaks with a London accent, so she must
be from England.
be a model, but I don't think so. She's not really tall enough.
b She
C That
be John. He always calls when we're having lunch!
d She
be a teacher. I know she has long holidays.
e Young children
f We
be quite difficult to control.
go to Ibiza this summer, but it's not certain.
g He
run a hundred metres in 11 seconds.
be difficult to find somewhere to park sometimes.
understand a word he said.
į He
be fourteen. He's got a beard!
k You
leave early if you finish all the exercises.
4 Correct the sentences.
a It can't be Yuko's birthday today. There are cards and presents on her desk.
It must be Yuko's birthday today.
b Can you swim when you were younger?
c That must be her car over there. It's the same colour.
d They said on the TV it can rain tomorrow.
e You must smoke here. There's a 'No smoking' sign.
f Might you speak Arabic?
g I can use this mp3 player, the instructions are too difficult to understand.
must, may, might, could, can
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