Vương Tuyết | Chat Online
29/09/2021 10:54:44

Rewrite the sentences using the phrasal verbs given in the box. Make any changes if necessary

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
IV - Rewrite the sentences using the phrasal verbs given in the box. Make any changes if necessary.
find out
get on with
look through
come back
look forward to
turn down
bring out
run out of
face up to
set up
E.g.: When will you return from the trip to the craft village with your classmates?
→ When will you come back from the trip to the craft village with your classmates?
1. Mr. Smith started his first lacquer workshop three years ago. h h op
2. We have had no more milk in the fridge.
We have run out of milk...
3. He doesn't have a really good relationship with his elder brother.
→ he doesn't get on with his ...
4. I am feeling excited about my coming trip.
5. How did you get information about this weekend's exhibition?
6. I always read the index first to know what a book includes.
7. You have to accept the fact that you are the only student who failed the exam.
8. Why did Daisy refuse your invitation?
9. My favourite writer has just published her latest novel
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