Nguyễn | Chat Online
01/10/2021 20:22:41

Fll each gap with the correct form of the word in brackets

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
1. Fll each gap with the correct form of the word in brackets.
Widews may if they like or if they find the right man. (marry) tm0oied
2 He hoped that she had remained the same so that he could renew her
that he had always cherished. (romantic) 30mtinficauly
3. The singer made her first successful...... in a concert in Hanoi. (appear)rCC
4. There is no.
other. (compare) compisiSon
5. Unlike her sister, she is admired with her unusual. (attract) at+20chie
6. l am.
between these two cameras; one is much better than the
fond of watching her play tennis. (particular)
relies largely upon words and gestures. (signify)
most Chinese lived in small villages. Many owmed their land and
many others worked for landowners. (tradition) nQlly
9. Their wedding marked the time they entered into the .
10. The of the list of things to prepare for that important trip took us a
iong time. (determine)
of marriage.
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