Park chea-young | Chat Online
03/10/2021 09:23:33

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one, using the word given in brackets in the correct form

VI.       Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one, using the word given in brackets in the correct form.

l.   The traditional handicraft villages used to accept the fact that there was a shortage of investments and human resources. (face)


2. Farmers can earn enough money from traditional handicrafts as they are free between harvests. (live)


3.  People in the community often have a friendly relationship with one another so that they can follow the same craft. (get)


4. In the future, some traditional handicraft cooperatives will have no more wood to make wooden furniture. (run)


5. After the trip, you return to the harbor to take a boat trip to Hoi An. (come)

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