Conan Nguyễn | Chat Online
03/10/2021 19:33:32

Read the following sentences aloud, and put the words with the cluster

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
I)- Read the following sentences aloud, and put the words with the cluster
/br/ or /pr/ into the correct column.
1. Apricot is a small, orange fruit with soft flesh and a stone inside
Brian is going to give a presentation on Friday.
Is he going to prepare for it?
How about a small present for Brian after his presentation?
Prevention is better than cure.
In order to play this computer game, you have to load this programme
into the computer
7. She'll teach us how to play English pronunciation games.
Gold and silver are precious metals.
He never talks about his private life with anybody at work.
The new television series was an expensive project.
Too many cooks spoil the broth. (a saying)
The bank has many branches all over the country.
I need a new toothbrush.
How many brothers and sisters do you have?
I spend two hours every day browsing the Web.
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