Phạm Đình Anh Tuấn | Chat Online
04/10/2021 19:29:14

Fill each blank in the following letter with a suitable word

gấp với bn ơi m k cần gấp nhanh với ạ !!!
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
VI. Fill each blank in the following letter with a suitable word. (1)
Dear Mira,
Thanks for your letter. Now I'll tell you (1)
My favourite hobby is knitting. It is strange, isn't it? My mother (2)
Now I can knit scarves and sweaters. It's great when can (3).
gifts. Knitting is also imaginative (4).
quite cheap. You only need a pair of needles and some wool.
I'm sending you a scarf next month. I'm knitting it. I hope you'll like it.
Best wishes,
my hobbies.
me to knit two years ago.
them to my relatives and friends as
you can knit anything you can imagine of. Besides, it is
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