Use the correct form of the verb in brackets----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh ----- Anh 8 - Microsoft Word File Home Insert Page Layout References Mailings Review View LỚP Lớp Tôi TÒA SÁNG % Cut Times New Rom - 14 =、=, 请音| T A A Aa Aa AaBbCc AaBbCc AaBbC, AaBbCc AaB AaBb EE Copy Paste BIU abe x, x ab 1 Normal I No Spac... Heading 1 Heading 2 Title Subtit XÂY DỰNG, Format Painter Clipboard Font Paragraph Styles 8A3 Name:.. ĐUA HỌC TÔ Class: English Test I.Use the correct form of the verb in brackets: 1. We (study) 2. I ( see )... 3. He ( do).. 4. I prefer (walk) II.Complete each sentences with the coIrect form of the verb i brackets 1. Phuc enjoyed (chat) 2. He has decided (go) .four lessons this morning. ..a movie tonight. Would you like (come )...? physical exercise every morning. to ( go ).. . by bike. on the phone with her friends. to work in a school in a quite remote area. 3. We'll need (call) 4. She dislikes (communicate) online meetings. 5. I tried (explain) 6.Which TV programme (you, watch) tomorrow? 7.He prefers(play).. .him more often. .through message board or .it to him, but he didn't understand. at 9 p.m. ......... .......... .soccer to watching it on TV. Page: 1 of 1 Words: 134, English 1.S.) 95% Màn hình của LỚP 8A3 EN 7:36 AM NỮNG MẠNH |