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07/10/2021 19:00:55

Choose the best answer

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Ex 1: Choose the best answer
1. We are looking forward
A. to see
2. My mother was afraid to let the boy
A. to risk climbing
C. risk climbing
3. I remember
A. to buy him a bosok
C. buying him a book
4. Remember
you again soon.
B. to seeing
C. saw
D. have seen
the tree.
B. to risk to climb
D. risk to climb
but he said I did not.
B. buy him a book
D. to have bought him a book
john a present. today is his birthday.
B. to send
A. send
5. I suggest
C. sent
D. sending
some more mathematical puzzles.
B. to do
A. do
C. doing D. done
6. Would you mind
A. open
7. You should give up
the door?
B. to open
C. opening D. opened
or you will die of cancer.
A. smoke
B. to smoke
C. smoking D. smoked
8. The driver stopped
a coffee because he felt sleepy.
B. to have
A. have
C. having D. had
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